Receive Funding

3 smiling 4-H'ers fundingThe Maine 4-H Foundation is dedicated to supporting the Maine 4-H program. Each year the Foundation provides funding for 4-H legacy and new programs. Our legacy programs include the Karen Hatch Gagne National 4-H Congress Award, the Harold H. Brown Eastern States Award, as well as the Maine 4-H Foundation Endowment Funds held to secure annual support to National 4-H Conference and Congress, Citizenship Washington Focus, Eastern States, Maine 4-H Days, and 4-H at the University of Maine. In addition, volunteers, 4-H youth members, and staff are invited during the course of the year to apply for additional funding for new and innovative projects.

4-H Pitch Your Idea Grants

Pitch 4-H grants are made available to active 4-H members in Maine.

The Maine 4-H Youth Trustees, in partnership with an anonymous donor, are offering a grant program for currently enrolled 4-H members. The funding will support new small business ideas, new agricultural projects, and/or a new innovative project within 4-H. For a more detailed description, please refer to the application. Funding is available for up to $500.

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Norma Hardison Creativity Grants to 4-H Clubs

4-H Club Creativity Grant application ideas should tie into the 4-H program priorities for Maine, including club and community learning projects, philanthropic projects that engage members in the community supporting 4-H program work, and/or new creative educational ideas. Funds can be requested for amounts up to $200; on a rare occasion, the grant request may be considered for more than $200. Sponsor: Maine 4-H Foundation Youth Trustees in Philanthropy.

Application Form


Please review the descriptions of the following funding opportunities provided by the Maine 4-H Foundation. Apply for the one(s) most relevant to your project/aspirations. If you have any questions, please contact us before applying.

Maine 4-H Foundation Post-Secondary Education Scholarships

These scholarships are available to participants in the 4-H Program, pursuing higher education. Deadlines to apply is: Monday, March 3, 2025, to local UMaine Extension county office  or to the one of our 4-H Learning Centers by email; Monday, March 10, 2025, by email documents to the Maine 4-H Foundation.

Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarships That May Be Awarded:

Please note: County Scholarships are awarded by the county.

  • Maine 4-H Foundation General Post Secondary Education Scholarships
  • Wayne S. Rich Scholarship – Maine in odd-numbered years
  • Azure Dillon 4-H Memorial Scholarship – Maine 4-Her
  • Gladys E. Conant Memorial Farm Credit East Scholarship ($1,000)
  • Dr. Harold and Marion Chute Scholarship
  • Fred Hutchinson Scholarship (awarded every other year)
  • Doris Roberts, H. Lawrence, and George Lawrence Humphrey 4-H Scholarship
  • Oxton Trust (Knox and Lincoln Counties)
  • Theda Parker/K. C. Lovejoy Scholarship
  • Verna Church Witter Scholarship
  • Threshold of Maine RC&D Scholarship Fund
  • Waldo County Extension Association Scholarship (County Award)
  • Somerset County Leaders Association Scholarship ( County Award)
  • Jeremy Strater Washington County Scholarship
  • Nancy L. Arms ’84, Chadwick C. and Barbara Arms 4-H Scholarship Fund
  • Leo J. and Catherine D. Pelley 4-H Scholarship Fund
  • Carla and Danny Lafayette Scholarship
  • Morna Rawcliffe Scholarship
  • Gene Doris Humphrey Scholarship
  • Others that become available

Henry Page / Bangor Noon Kiwanis Grants:

These grants are available to members of the Penobscot County 4-H Program. They can be used by clubs for trips, community service projects, and other 4-H activities. Individual members may also apply for grants to cover participation costs in local, state, and national 4-H events. For a more detailed description, please refer to the guidelines.

4-H Service, Innovative Education, and Philanthropy Grants:

Grant application ideas should tie into the 4-H program priorities for Maine including club and community service learning projects, philanthropic projects that engage members in the community supporting 4-H program work, and/or new creative educational ideas. Funds can be requested for amounts from $100 to $500; on rare occasions, the grant request may be considered for more than $500. Sponsor: Maine 4-H Foundation Youth Trustees in Philanthropy.

Application Form

Rural Youth Loans

From USDA Farm Service Agency. FSA makes loans to individual youths to establish and operate income-producing projects of modest size in connection with their participation in 4-H clubs, FFA, and similar organizations.

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