Maine Farm and Seafood Products Directory

Available Local Food Listings from Maine Farms and Seafood Producers

Many thanks to Allison Lakin of East Forty Farm and Lakin’s Gorges Cheese for initiating this important resource. Producers, please see the Add or Update Your Listing page for more information.

Before you go, we ask that you check producers’ listings, their websites, and/or contact them in order to have the most current information about their products, pick-up options, and safety procedures.

Connect with producers directly using the contact information provided in the directory.*
Directory information is available in two formats: interactive map and spreadsheet.

Note: We are unable to share the included information in bulk, as per the agreement and language shared with the farmers when signing up for the list.

Please see tips and additional resources below the map and in the directory menu.

To use the interactive map:

  • To navigate, click on the +/− to zoom in/out, and click and drag to move the map.
  • The map is easier to navigate in full screen mode or in the Google Maps app. The map is also searchable in full screen mode. Click on the view larger map icon in the upper right corner of the map or click here to access. Click in the box to search for a producer by name or town.
  • Click on the map markers or on locations (county) in the layer lists for directory information.
  • There are currently two layers: a Farms and Other Producers layer and a Seafood layer. You can choose to display the layers together or one at a time by clicking on the check boxes in the map legend. Click on the arrow in the upper left corner of the map to display the map legend.

Mobile phone and tablet users:

  • For optimal viewing of the map, open in the Google Maps app by clicking on the view larger map icon.
  • Mobile phone users may need to rotate their phone in order to access the icon.
  • Alternatively, you may wish to view the information as a spreadsheet which is also searchable.
  • On a mobile device, you can navigate and search the spreadsheet in the Google Sheets app.

View the Maine Farm and Seafood Products spreadsheet.

* Please note that this directory is not a complete listing. No endorsement of products or companies is intended, nor is criticism of unnamed products or companies implied.