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The Bureau of Labor Education gladly accepts donations to assist us in delivering high quality education, information, and services to the working people of Maine. Donations can be made to the Bureau of Labor Education or the BLE scholarship program on the UMaine Foundation website.

Donations in memory of Dr. Charles Scontras will be used for the creation of a monument honoring the first strike in what would become the United States, which occurred on Richmond Island off the coast of Maine in 1636.  Please select the “In Honor/Memory Of” tab to donate for this purpose. 

The Richmond Island Strike is the first entry in the “Time-Line of Selected Highlights of Maine Labor History: 1636-2015″ by Dr. Charles Scontras.

The Maine legislature’s Joint Resolution concerning the strike can be found on the Joint Resolution Commemorating the First Strike Over Working Conditions in White Would Become the United States page (