Author: sannis

5.11.17 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 11 to May 12

Midcoast We had another infection period overnight from Thursday, May 11 to Friday, May 12.  I think this may have caused some infection in some fields in the midcoast region. I suspect the cups will be done this weekend with the warmer weather. Downeast These fields also had an infection period.  I do think there […]

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5.09.17 Another Mummy Berry Infection period, May 9 to May 10

Midcoast and Downeast We had another infection event overnight from Tuesday, May 9 to Wednesday, May 10 in most areas.  There are still mature cups in some fields in the midcoast area.  I hope they will be done by the end of this week, but it would help if you can check your plots. Downeast […]

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5.08.17 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 8 to May 9

Midcoast There was another infection event from Monday, May 8 overnight to Tuesday, May 9. There are reports of mature cups but also cups dying off.  I am hoping we are nearing the end of the mummy berry season for this area. Please let me know when your mummy berry cups are dead or dying […]

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5.07.17 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 7 to May 8

Midcoast and Downeast There was another infection event overnight from Sunday, May 7 to Monday, May 8 morning.  There are still cups present in all areas that have reported in so I suspect most fields had a mummy berry infection event if you have had the disease in your field in the past. I am […]

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5.05.17 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 5 to May 7

Midcoast and Downeast As you probably guessed with this wet weather we have had another infection period for mummy berry.  The wet weather started, as recorded in areas with weather stations, in the late afternoon to early evening on Friday and continued until Sunday morning.  There were still reports of cups and some new pinheads […]

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5.01.17 Mummy Berry Report for May 1 to May 3

All regions of blueberries have experienced infection periods starting in the evening of April 30 to the morning of May 3.  It has varied by weather station location on whether this has been one long event or a series of infection periods.  There are reports of pinheads and cups in the midcoast regions and in […]

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4.27.17 Mummy Berry Infection periods, April 27 to May 1

Midcoast Region: Waldo, Knox and Lincoln Counties There were two infection events from Thursday night through Friday and Friday night through to Saturday and now a new one has probably started today, Monday. There were infection events reported at all four weather stations (Waldoboro, West Rockport, Appleton, and Searsport).  Plants are susceptible and there are […]

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04.25.17 Mummy Berry Infection period in Midcoast Region, April 25 to 26

Knox, Lincoln and Hancock Counties All grower reports early this week were that there were mummy berry cups in fields in these regions and the plants were far enough along or close to it for infection. The steady wet weather produced an infection event recorded at all of our weather stations in those regions (Waldoboro, […]

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4.24.17 Possible Mummy Berry Infection Event in Midcoast

Waldo, Knox, and Lincoln Counties As mentioned on Friday, some fields had suitable levels of F2 flower buds to see mummy berry infection over this weekend, but there were no cups reported in most fields. Only one field reported one cup. If you have a very early field in the midcoast region and had more […]

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4.21.17 Mummy Berry Season is Starting for Some Fields

I have reports of mummy berry plots showing pinheads in multiple fields in the Midcoast region (Liberty, Appleton, West Rockport), and in Ellsworth, Hancock, and Jonesboro, Washington counties.  Pinheads are the stage before the cups appear. We have one report of a single cup in West Rockport.  In fields we checked yesterday, plants in West […]

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