General News

8.13.14 SWD Update from Frank Drummond

SWD adults are still being trapped in single numbers. This suggests that the population has not started to build yet, although it is anticipated that this might occur in the next seven-ten days.  As of yet, we have NOT yet found any wild blueberry fields that have SWD infested berries, although blueberry maggots have been […]

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7.28.14 SWD Update from Frank Drummond

Last week we captured SWD in traps that were placed in Jonesboro. So far, SWD has been captured in a few fields in Coastal Maine, the Blue Hill area and in Jonesboro. SWD was also captured in Nova Scotia last week. Please deploy traps if you have not already done so and monitor them at […]

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7.21.14 SWD Detected in Parts of Southern and Downeast Maine

The spotted wing drosophila is starting to be detected in both southern and parts of Downeast Maine. David Handley, who has been sampling highbush blueberry and raspberry fields have reported trap captures of spotted wing drosophila in Cape Elizabeth, Buxton, Turner, and Wales. In wild blueberry fields, MALE SWD has been captured in Blue Hill […]

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7.21.14 SWD Management Recommendations Fact Sheet

Fact sheet for SWD management in Michigan Highbush blueberries: SWD Management Recommendations for Michigan Blueberry, Updated June 2014 (PDF), which is very informative and includes a table with rain steadfast properties of some of the SWD insecticides. SWD Management Recommendations for Michigan Blueberry, Updated June 2014 (PDF) (Michigan State University College of Agriculture & Natural Resources […]

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5.29.14 Frost and Botrytis risk in Some Areas, May 29

Frost In Northern Hancock at our Silsby Plains site and at our Deblois and Cherryfield weather station locations in Washington County, there were frost conditions overnight from Wednesday, May 28 to Thursday, May 29.  Lee Beers is a Ph.D. student studying cold tolerance in blueberries and his research has found conditions from 28ºF to 24ºF […]

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5.26.14: Mummy Berry and Botrytis Blossom Blight

I think the mummy berry infection season is now over for 2014.  Any remaining cups would have dried up over the last few days, so there won’t be any spores to infect the plants.  I don’t think the wet weather we had this weekend or will have on Tuesday will be causing any infection periods […]

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5.22.14: Mummy Berry Disease and Botrytis Blossom Blight

Hancock and Washington Counties Mummy Berry Disease There was another infection period overnight for mummy berry disease in all fields with weather stations in Hancock and Washington counties.  Most cups will be dying off by now, but if you have a later or wetter field there is a chance you may have had infection period […]

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5.21.14 Mummy Berry Infection and Botrytis Blossom Blight

Knox, Lincoln and Waldo Counties Botrytis Blossom Blight This is the time of year to scout for Botrytis blossom blight on early blooming blueberry clones.  Look at dead open flowers, and any dead or dying tissue (leaves or flowers) you see on weeds near or in your fields.  The symptoms are dead, open, flowers with […]

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5.19.14 Mummy Berry Blight May NOT be Finished Yet

Lincoln, Knox, Waldo Counties Only dried up cups were found last week in these areas. There is a chance later fields farther north around Belfast area may still have had infection periods this last weekend.  I expect fields farther south were not affected. Hancock and Washington Counties Cup that would produce spores were found on […]

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5.14.14 Mummy Berry Infections, May 14 and May 15

Knox, Lincoln, Waldo Counties Growers reported only finding dried up cups on Tuesday, May 13 in their mummy berry plots.  I do not think the cups were done at that time in most fields since there is a range of when cups develop and I expect there were lingering cups around.  There were infection periods […]

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