Tag: wild blueberries

7.22.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

More SWD has been captured in the coastal growing area. Nine flies were captured this past week in a Warren field and continued single SWD detections have been found in Union and Lincolnville. However, despite the number of fields where this pest has been captured in traps there are still several fields in this area […]

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Valdensinia leaf spot

Now is the time to look for Valdensinia leaf spot in your fields.  The wet weather conditions we have had over the last month will have caused many cycles of spore production and infection if you have this fungus in your field.  I have seen a new field with Valdensinia leaf spot in Ellsworth.  Areas […]

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7.08.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

It is no wonder with this HOT weather over the fourth and following weekend a few more SWD captures have surfaced since my update on July 2.  However, last week’s capture of a male SWD in Cherryfield was a misdiagnosis. When we looked at it, two spots were found on each wing and so we […]

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7.03.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila

Dave Yarborough and Frank Drummond will be sending out SWD updates one to two times a week over the growing season. Frank and Judy Collins will be monitoring 18 field sites from Stockton Springs up to Jonesboro. Dr. Jim Dill and Dr. Dave Handley (UMaine Cooperative Extension) are monitoring traps in mid-coast to southern Maine […]

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