Wild Blueberry Newsletter – October 2014
October 2014
New Wild Blueberry Pocket Guide Available for Maine Growers
The updated version of A Pocket Guide to IPM Scouting in Wild Blueberries 2nd Edition is included and available for all Maine wild blueberry growers. This guide contains more information on the identification of new pests and native pollinators. Growers may obtain additional paper copies by contacting Phoebe Nylund at phoebe.nylund@maine.edu orby phone 207.581.2892.
If you have a smart phone that can read PDF documents, you can download the pocket guide from our wild blueberry web site at https://extension.umaine.edu/blueberries/factsheets/integrated-crop-management/ipm-scouting-guide-in-wild-blueberries/. This PDF version has navigational bars and hot links to make it easier to locate pests in the pocket guide and photos can be enlarged for better viewing.
Bob Duchesne’s Wild Maine: Taming the Wild Blueberry Interview on the Web
A radio (92.9) interview, approximately 46 minutes long, about wild blueberries aired on August 16, 2014. You can listen to the interview at http://929theticket.com/bob-duchesnes-wild-maine-taming-the-wild-blueberry-audio/
Wild Blueberry Items Wanted or for Sale
The wild blueberry web site now has a place for growers to advertise items and/or services they have for sale or want from other growers. The web address is https://extension.umaine.edu/blueberries/wild-blueberry-equipment-wanted-or-for-sale/.
If you have an item and/or service you would like posted on our web site, please contact Phoebe Nylund at phoebe.nylund@maine.edu .
David E. Yarborough
Extension Blueberry Specialist
If you are a person with a disability and need an accommodation to participate in this program, please call David Yarborough at 1.800.897.0757 to discuss your needs. Receiving requests for accommodations at least 10 days before the program provides a reasonable amount of time to meet the request, however all requests will be considered.
Wild blueberry fact sheets, past newsletters, contacts, resource links, calendar of events, and more can be found at the wild blueberry website: www.wildblueberries.maine.edu
Information in this publication is provided purely for educational purposes. No responsibility is assumed for any problems associated with the use of products or services mentioned. No endorsement of products or companies is intended, nor is criticism of unnamed products or companies implied.
© 2014
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