July 2023 4-H Newsletter
4-H Calendar
4-H Club Happenings
State 4-H News
Other UMaine Extension Cumberland County News
July 6-9: Ossipee Valley Fair
July 10 – August 14: Summer SPIN Programs
July 21-22: Maine 4-H Days
July 21-23: State 4-H Dairy Show
Cumberland County 4-H Office Hours
The Cumberland County office is currently open Monday-Thursday from 8:00am-4:30pm and Friday from 9:00am-2:00pm.
Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to Alexis L., Jillian S., Dawson R. and Eli B. on receiving a scholarship from the Maine 4-H Foundation.
2023 Pig Raffle Tickets Available Now
The Pig Raffle is one of the most interesting fundraisers that Cumberland County 4-H does each year. The Pig Raffle raises funds to support 4-H scholarships, trips, and other awards for 4-Her’s in our county. If you would like to purchase or sell these tickets to start raising money before the Cumberland Fair starts, please contact our office, 207-781-6099 to have some mailed to you, or arrange to pick some up! Tickets may also be picked up by contacting Jenn Grant, at findviewfarm@juno.com or 207-318-9166.
Volunteers Needed: 4-H Kitchen Fundraiser and Pig Raffle Ticket Sales at the Cumberland Fair, September 24- September 30, 2023
The 4-H Kitchen and Pig Raffle Booth is looking for volunteers for the week of the Cumberland Fair to prepare and serve foods as well as sell pig raffle tickets. This is the primary fundraiser held by the Cumberland County 4-H Leaders Association to support all of the scholarships, camperships, County events, and programs.
Shift times:
- 6:30 a.m. – 8:30-9 a.m.
- 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- 11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- 4:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Please email Nicole Foster at 4Hkitchencentral@gmail.com or call 207.615.7558 for more details or to sign up your family or club.
Maine Fair Season Insurance
Maine fair season is upon us! Most Maine fairs now require proof of insurance in order to exhibit livestock. Proof of insurance usually is requested for individuals including the exhibitor (4-H member), owner of the animal, and anyone who may be responsible for maintaining the animal at the event (ex. parents or volunteers).
Some fairs no longer allow homeowner insurance policies. Please check your specific fair to see what they accept. Most fairs do accept the Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors (MALE) insurance.
The MALE annual membership renewal is in June. The year’s membership ended on June 30. A benefit of being a member of this association includes liability insurance at specific events, including Maine fairs. Please refer to the events that it does cover for the state. As of July 1, 2011, this insurance is a display and exhibitors policy; therefore the following activities are not covered: equine racing, trotting, barrel racing, steeplechase, rodeos, and team penning; and any and all ox, steer, pony and horse rides, wagon, sleigh, and hay rides and dog and sheep dog activities. More information is available on the Memberships page of Maine Association Livestock Exhibitors website.
Kids Can Can 2023
Garden programming at Tidewater Garden/UMaine RLC
5 weeks from the week of 7/20 to 8/17
Thursdays, 9:00-11:00 AM
Maximum # of Participants: 10
Minimum Age: 9 (younger based on if an older sibling is coming, etc.)
Cost: $5 for all 5 weeks
Registration open till July 6th or when the class fills up, Click Here to register.
Strawberry jam, pickles, and salsa—all of these foods can be made from scratch with fruits and vegetables grown in your own garden. Join UMaine Extension staff and volunteers in this hands-on, interactive program that will teach kids ages 9+ how to grow and preserve the garden’s harvest. Each session will begin in the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s Tidewater Gardens as we harvest the fruits and vegetables needed to make jam, pickles, salsa, and more. Then we’ll move to the UMaine Regional Learning Center Demo Kitchen and prepare a batch of delicious preserved foods. Each participant will take home a jar of what we make.
Career SPIN Club
5 weeks from 7/17 to 8/14
Mondays 5-6pm
Youth ages 14-18
Registration: https://forms.gle/fSoK8LsUJ2cHsDtY7
New Gloucester Library, 379 Intervale Rd., New Gloucester
Are you ready for your future? Do you have a resume? Have you ever had an interview? Do you set a budget for yourself? Each week we will explore a different topic to help you get ready for the future. Topics to be covered will be Resume, Record Keeping, Interview & Money Management. Current 4-H enrollment is not necessary for participation, but you will be enrolled in 4-H after the program. For more information ask Allison, allison.pollock@maine.edu
4-H Project Records
It is time to start thinking about Project Awards in the fall… are you keeping up your 4-H project records? You should do one project record for each project you will complete. Why do 4-H Project Records and Portfolios?
- Opens doors to the wider 4-H program.
- Your project isn’t done until the records are in.
- The feeling you get when you are finally done!
- You should document all of your hard work this year.
- Your 4-H Leader will smile 🙂
- The nagging will go away!
- You will get your premiums for the fair.
- It is a start towards 4-H Scholarships and National Trips in high school.
- Chris Clover says so!
To access a copy of the records and portfolio, visit the 4-H Project Records Page.
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension is hiring!
We are hiring a position in our office—an Administrative Specialist that supports the Food & Nutrition and 4-H Youth Development programs. Interested applicants can find job details and apply via this link: https://umaine.hiretouch.com/job-details?jobid=80625
Club Happenings
Your 4-H Club Happenings could be featured here! Just email allison.pollock@maine.edu by the 28th of each month with information about your club meetings, events, or fundraisers. Pictures are always a plus!
State 4-H News July 2023
Maine 4-H Days is Back!
Maine 4-H Days is back in 2023! You are invited to join Maine 4-H for a fun filled day of workshops on Saturday July 22nd! We will kick off the weekend with evening activities on Friday July 21st and have camping available for those who wish to stay overnight! Workshop space is limited, so register soon to secure your spot. For a complete schedule or to register for the event please visit extension.umaine.edu/4h/maine-4h-days/.
To request a reasonable accommodation please contact the Kennebec County Cooperative
Extension office at 207.622.7546 or email alisha.r.targonski@maine.edu.
Registration is Open Through July 31 st for New 4-H Teen Leadership Program: YOUth Have a Voice!
YOUth have a Voice!: Youth in Governance and Civic Engagement is a nine-month program open to teens and recent high school graduates who are interested in taking a more active role in serving their local communities, the state, or the country. Youth will learn leadership skills and ways to participate in civic action by completing a service project in a topic of their interest. Youth projects will be in one of three categories:
1.) Youth Board Member: Join a board or advisory council as a youth representative.
2.) Policy Leader: Provide input to a policy or rule being developed.
3.) Public Service Leader: Carry out a community service project.
Teens will be mentored by adults to assist their learning of civic processes and ways to meet their project goals. The program will be from late August 2023 to May 2024 and the total time commitment may vary from 30 to 80 hours depending on the type of project.
The program will be open for teens ages 14+ years old or entering high school in the fall of 2023. Interested teens will need the following items to register for the program:
- Fill out the application form.
- Two letters of recommendation from adults who are not related to the applicant
- Briefly describing (100 to 500 words) why you are interested in this program
- A signed Program Requirement Summary Form
Registration is open through July 31, 2023. The program will be limited to 16 youth.
To register or learn more, visit our website. Individuals with questions or who need to request an
accommodation, please contact Andrew Hudacs, andrew.hudacs@maine.edu, (207) 581-8204
Other UMaine Extension Cumberland County News
UMaine Extension Cumberland County offers many different workshops throughout the year. To learn more about our workshop offerings please visit https://extension.umaine.edu/cumberland/upcoming-events/