How should I proceed with the asparagus that I planted?


I planted asparagus about six weeks ago, in trenches 8-10″ deep, following directions. The directions also said to cover up new growth when it came, but it came almost overnight, with stalks several inches high, which seemed uncoverable. I haven’t done anything, and now they are feathery and plentiful…should I cut them off and then put more soil on, or leave them be? Fill the trenches? Or did I blow it entirely?


Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional

You haven’t messed anything up, and vigorous shoot growth is a good sign!

Definitely don’t cut the shoots, the crowns will need their foliage this year to grow and produce resources for storage. Just keep filling in soil around the growing shoots, without completely burying the new tips, until the trench is filled.

UMaine Extension guide to growing asparagus

UMaine Extension video on planting asparagus

UNH Extension guide to growing asparagus

Happy gardening.