Fruit Trees and Small Fruits

What is causing the leaves to drop off my crabapple tree this summer?

Question: I have a flowering crabapple tree that has been losing its leaves all summer. I am wondering if it has a disease that I need to treat? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant I believe what you’re looking at on your flowering crabapple is a disease called apple scab. You can read more about […]

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What has made holes in my blueberries?

Question: What has made holes in my blueberries? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant I believe you are dealing with blueberry maggots, the larval form of the blueberry fruit fly. The female adults lay their eggs just under the skin of the fruit and the emerging maggots tunnel through the blueberry, giving you the tiny […]

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How do I get rid of creeping clover from around my raspberry plants?

Question: I have a beautiful raspberry garden, but a few years back I planted creeping clover plants in a section of my flower garden near it and the tall creeping clover is all thru my raspberry area. How to I get rid of it without harming my raspberry Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Because […]

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Can milkweed pollen get on nearby raspberries making them inedible?

Question: I have a milkweed question. Some sites I’ve read say all parts of the plant are poisonous. Others say you can eat it. I don’t want to eat it but I have a bunch growing in our raspberry patch. Do I need to worry about milkweed pollen getting on the berries?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, […]

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What insect has defoliated my fruit trees and how do I manage them?

Question: I need help with fruit tree caterpillar damage. In very short order, my pear tree is completely defoliated, and my plums and apple are seriously set back. The culprits are 3/4″ light green worms. Any idea what they are and what I should do now? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  I’m very sorry […]

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Should I prune the new shoots of my young pear tree?

Question: I have a McLaughlin Pear tree that I did not prune well in the spring, before the leaves emerged. It is now early June, and the three-year old pear has several shoots growing rapidly that are very low to the ground. Is it best to let it grow and prune these off next spring? […]

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