Habitat Gardening

Where can I find native pollinator-friendly flowers?

Question: I have two small flower gardens in my yard. I would like to have native pollinator-friendly flowers, but I am struggling to find greenhouses/plant sales that have specifically native grown plants. Any ideas? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional My first advice is always to call local greenhouses and nurseries to see if […]

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What native flowers should be added to a perennial bed?

Question: I want to add to our perennial beds at our lakefront property but want to plant native plants. In there now are a bunch of hydrangea and peony and sea pea and bee balm and bleeding heart. There is a big bush with a trumpet like purple/pink flower that the hummingbirds are loving. What […]

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If I have native plants that attract pollinators can I add in annuals and still become certified for a pollinator friendly garden?

Question:  If I have native plants that attract pollinators can I add in annuals and still become certified for a pollinator friendly garden? Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional What a great question! Pollinator-Friendly Garden Certification focuses on the essential things you need to have in your garden but no garden has […]

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