Garden Design and Maintenance

Do you have any tips to help with gardening on slopes?

Question: I’m taking the “Boots 2 Bushels” course and I am loving it! I do have a question about slopes. We live on one acre of land, which is “not ideal for farming” (we are learning how to address this) and also very sloped. Do you have any tips or tricks to help with planning […]

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How can I extend my gardening season using a hoop tunnel?

Question: We live in Gorham and have several raised garden beds that receive full sun most of the day, at least six to eight hours of direct light even in the winter. We would like to extend the growing season by creating a hoop tunnel over the beds using plastic sheeting. However, we have a […]

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Is Amelanchier canadensis salt tolerant?

Q. I am looking at planting some Amelanchier. Is it salt tolerant? Your web page on plants of Maine lists Amelanchier canadensis in the “Trees that Tolerate High Soil Salt Levels” category but then lower on the same page lists “Amelanchier species (some N) Shadbush” as “Trees that Are Intolerant of Elevated Soil Salts.” Is […]

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Can I use leaves for mulch in the gardens over winter?

Question: Can you use leaves for mulch in the gardens over winter? After this month’s snow, as I raked again, the undergrowth was green and flourishing. Answer: The answer is yes. They’re great for protecting the plants from desiccation, protecting the soil from erosion, and keeping the frost in the ground so plants don’t heave. […]

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How often should I water my vegetable garden?

Question: We live in South Portland and there is a drought at the moment. How often should we water our vegetable garden? Answer: Ideally, 1.25 to 1.5 inches of rain per week is enough for most gardens. A rain gauge can help you decide when to water. It’s good to get water down to 5-6 […]

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How do I get rid of poison ivy?

Question: I am building on a three-acre piece of land that is covered in poison ivy. The land is surrounded by forest but is basically an open field. What would be my best approach to eradicating it from the field areas, keeping in mind that children and animals will be playing there? Answer: The first […]

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