Ask the Expert

Is black mulch harmful to plants? Is the dye in the mulch toxic?

Question: Is black mulch toxic to plants?  I believe that several plants in my flower garden have been stunted or killed by the black mulch that was placed around them. If the mulch can be ruled out as the cause, I will investigate other possibilities.  Is the dye toxic? Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education […]

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What are some native grasses that like sunny exposure?

Question: I would like to know what native grasses do well in a sunny exposure. I would like to use them as a border and would like a variety that is rather big.  Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional        What great question since most of our landscapes are made […]

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What is causing the white pines to turn brown in my neighborhood?

Question: I have noticed that many white pines in my neighborhood are turning brown. They are not near traffic (so not salt) and are very old white pines. What may be causing this? They are turning completely brown, not just dropping seasonal needles.  Answer: Viña Lindley, Food Systems & Home Horticulture Professional Thank you for […]

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How do you get rid of snails and slugs in the garden?

Question: We have been having a problem with snails for a few years now. In the garden, they are pretty much on everything and in the lawn as well. We also have slugs too. We are looking for a way to get rid of them. Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Slugs […]

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How can I bring my Arborvitae back to good health?

Question: My Arborvitae has some brown branches on one side. What can I do to stop the spread and bring it back to health? It was transplanted last August and wrapped in burlap over the winter.  Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education Assistant It looks like an environmental problem rather than a pest or disease […]

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Is it too late in the season to move a fringe tree?

Question: I have a small fringe tree that I may have planted in too small of a hole. I think it has hit marine clay and may be root bound. I am interested in digging it up, perhaps clipping it back, and replacing it in a much bigger hole. Is it too late in the […]

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What is eating my green bean seedling? The leaves look like lace.

Question: My 4-inch green bean seedling leaves are being eaten. The leaves look like lace! I can’t find the culprit but the crop is being destroyed. Any ideas what this could be? Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Without a photo it is really just a guess. You have to know what […]

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Can you transplant echinacea in early June?

Question: I’d like to move some of my echinacea to a new spot to help establish another pollinator garden. Is it too late to dig some up to transplant them. They’re about a foot tall. Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education Assistant Thank you for your question about transplanting echinacea in early June. Echinacea is […]

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Should pepper blossoms be pinched off before transplanting into the garden?

Question: If pepper seedlings have blossoms, should the blossoms be pinched off before transplanting into the garden? Answer: Pamela Hargest, Horticulture Professional Yes, pepper blossoms can be picked off before or when you transplant your pepper seedlings into your garden. This will help redirect the plant’s energy to developing healthy roots!

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