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How do I control Verdolaga (pigweed)?

Question: My vegetable garden this year was taken over by Verdolaga (pigweed) to a point where I did not enjoy my garden. Is there anything I can do now to help me next year? I don’t mind weeding, but this year was awful, I just couldn’t keep up with this weed. Answer: At this point, […]

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How can I grow Ilex verticillata (winterberry) from the berry (seed)?

Question: How can I grow Ilex verticillata (winterberry) from the berry (seed)? Answer: In answer to your question about growing Winterberry, Ilex vertillata, you can use the berries from current plants. If the berries are still firm enough, put them in a plastic bag and let them ferment. When soft enough (might take a week) […]

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Should I soak my peas to help germination?

Question: Should I soak my peas to help germination? Answer: Yes, soaking the amount of pea seed you wish to plant in your garden in a cup of lukewarm water overnight will help the seed to absorb water and shorten the amount of time they need to germinate. When the soil has warmed up enough […]

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