Seed Starting and Propagation

Can you recommend frost dates for gardening?

Question: I live in Belgrade. I’m trying to figure out what frost dates to use but every search seems to give me a different answer. It seems to be anywhere from 4/27-5/27 for Spring and 9/17-10/9 for Fall. Can you please recommend a date to use?  Answer: Abi Griffith, Horticulture Community Education Assistant Because we […]

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How do I keep seeds started indoors in seed trays alive?

Question: I’ve started seeds indoors in seed trays with plastic covers. I rotate them every other day so that they each get enough light. Many of my seedlings die, I think because the soil is either too wet, or, if I take the covers off, too dry.  How do I keep them alive? Answer: Abi […]

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Should I plant a lawn in the fall?

Question: I have an odd question that may not fall under your wheelhouse. I live in Atkinson right by the Center. My old deck was taken down so… I. Have. Dirt. The digging hound is elated but is there a grass seed I can toss out with some hope for growth at this point? Answer: […]

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What’s wrong with my zinnia seedlings?

Question: I planted some zinnias as seedlings. They were doing great but now they look like this. They are indoors, I’ve been putting a grill light on them but they seem somewhere between drowned and parched. The other seedlings in different trays seem to be doing just great. Answer: Frank Wertheim, Extension Educator, Agriculture/Horticulture The […]

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When can I plant lettuce seeds in the ground in my raised bed?

Question: When can I plant lettuce seeds in the ground in my raised bed? I live in Kennebunkport. Answer: Kate Garland, Horticultural Professional Lettuce seeds are quite cold tolerant and therefore can be sown directly in the garden as soon as the soil dries to the point where you aren’t seeing it stick to your […]

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What types of plants can I start at this time of year?

Question: I live in Cape Porpoise and have a cold green house. What types of plants can I start at this time of year? Answer: Tori Lee Jackson, Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Androscoggin and Sagadahoc Counties Office At this time of year, days are getting longer and it is very tempting to […]

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How can I extend my gardening season using a hoop tunnel?

Question: We live in Gorham and have several raised garden beds that receive full sun most of the day, at least six to eight hours of direct light even in the winter. We would like to extend the growing season by creating a hoop tunnel over the beds using plastic sheeting. However, we have a […]

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How can I grow Ilex verticillata (winterberry) from the berry (seed)?

Question: How can I grow Ilex verticillata (winterberry) from the berry (seed)? Answer: In answer to your question about growing Winterberry, Ilex vertillata, you can use the berries from current plants. If the berries are still firm enough, put them in a plastic bag and let them ferment. When soft enough (might take a week) […]

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