Planting Chart for the Home Vegetable Garden

*In coastal Maine, plant 10-14 days earlier. In northern Maine, plant 10-14 days later.

The two dates given represent the earliest and latest safe dates.

Crop Average yield Ounces of seed or number of plants per 10 feet of row Distance between rows (inches) Distance between plants in row (inches) Depth of planting (inches) Planting date in central Maine*
Asparagus 6 spears/plant 6-7 plants 36-48 18 6-8 4/20-5/15
Beans, Pole 12 lbs/10 ft row 1 oz 36 24 (hills) 1 5/15-6/15
Beans, Snap 8 lbs/10 ft row 1-2 oz 24 2-4 1 5/15-7/15
Beets 10 lbs/10 ft row 1/10 oz 12-18 2-3 1/2 4/25-8/1
Broccoli 1.75 lbs/plant 6-7 plants 24-36 24-30 5/1-8/1
Cabbage 3/4 – 3 lbs/plant 6-7 plants 24-36 12-18 5/1-8/1
Carrots 10 lbs/10 ft row 1/20 oz 12-18 2-3 1/2 5/1-7/15
Corn 20-24 ears/10 ft row 1/2 oz 24-36 6-8 1 5/15 – 7/1
Cucumbers 10 fruits/plant 1/20 oz 48-72 48 (hills) 3/4 6/1-7/15
Eggplant 4-5 lbs/plant 6-7 plants 24-36 18 6/1-6/15
Onions 1 lb sets yields 30-40 lbs onion 1/10 lb 12-18 1-3 1/2 4/20-5/15
Parsnips 15 lbs/10 ft row 1/8 oz 18-24 2-4 1/2 5/1-5/15
Peas 10 lbs/10 ft row 1/10 lb 18-36 1-2 1 4/15-7/15
Peppers 6-12 fruits/plant 6-7 plants 18-24 18 5/25-6/20
Potatoes 5 lb seed potatoes yields 50 lbs potatoes 2 lbs seed potatoes 30-36 8-12 4-6 5/1-6/1
Pumpkin 4-6 fruits/plant 1/10 oz 36 48 (hills) 1 5/20-6/10
Spinach 4-5 lbs/10 ft row 1/10 oz 12-18 3-4 1/2 4/10-5/10
Squash, Summer 15 lbs/10 ft row 1/10 oz 36 48 (hills) 1 5/25-7/15
Squash, Winter 10 lbs/10 ft row 1/10 oz 72-96 72 (hills) 1 5/20-6/10
Tomatoes 8 lbs/plant 3-6 plants 24-48 18-36 5/25-6/20
Turnip 25 lbs/10 ft row 1/30 oz 12-18 1 1/4 – 1/2 5/1-8/1

From the GardenPro Answer Book; revised and updated by Lois Berg Stack, Ornamental Horticulture Specialist, University of Maine Cooperative Extension.