Maine Home Garden News

How should I reseed the bare spots in my lawn?

Question: I have tried to reseed the bare spots in my lawn with little success. I looked online at winter seeding a lawn (Dec.-Feb.) and it shows a germination rate of up to 75% in the spring. Is this something that would work in our zone? If so, what seed mix/manufacturer would you recommend? Answer: […]

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fallen oak leaves

Maine Home Garden News–November 2023

In This Issue: November Is the Month to . . . Backyard Bird of the Month–White-throated Sparrow Put Culture Back into Agriculture Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts Finding Joy in a Hard Gardening Year Ask the Expert Q&A Maine Weather and Climate Overview (November) Gifts for the Gardener November Is the Month to . . . […]

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What is causing black spots on my tomatoes?

Question: I grow Juliet tomatoes each year primarily for fresh eating and freezing for sauce. This year I planted late due to weather. Of interest, I use no chemicals/sprays etc, only addition is bone meal. My question is…what is causing black spots and are they safe to freeze/ process? Should I treat the soil in […]

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What information is helpful on greenhouse gardening in Maine?

Question: I am wondering if there is any information on greenhouse gardening in Maine specifically a planting schedule for later harvest. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Greenhouse gardening in Maine is a broad topic, ranging from backyard cold frames to huge commercial operations. Because this is our home horticulture site, I’m assuming you are looking for information on […]

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How do you trim a hedge row of arborvitae?

Question: I was wondering if you can tell me when and how to trim my hedge row of arborvitae?  I need to cut off about six to eight feet off the height of this hedge row. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Arborvitae can be topped, but you do run the risk of leaving some […]

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What plants should I use to replace Rosa Rugosas in my landscape?

Question: The former owners of our home had planted many Rosa rugosa plants, which faces southeast and gets plenty of sun. I’d like to replace these with more interesting plants and would love your suggestions. Maybe SHORT height hydrangea, some evergreens, peonies? I’d like it to be attractive through all seasons, and low maintenance. Answer: […]

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Why are the leaves on my blueberry plants falling off?

Question: I have five blueberries that I planted last year and this year. The leaves are red/yellow and falling off. They have been like this since early summer. Any thoughts? Do I need to make the soil more acidic? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant As you know, blueberries are deciduous plants (meaning they shed […]

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How would I prune old apple trees that are overgrown?

Question: We just acquired property with three old apple trees that have not been taken care of in years. We are looking for someone to come help us prune the trees and teach us how to care for them. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant While the Cooperative Extension does not have the resources to […]

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