Maine Home Garden News

Why did my cucumber plants not grow in a raised bed?

Question: I planted cucumber seeds in a raised bed 1 in early May and they did not come up. I was given some well established cucumber plants that I placed in the same raised bed and they nearly died within a week. I transplanted them to another raised bed and they are looking better… they […]

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Why are my tomato plants showing a discoloration on the lower leaves?

Question:  My tomato plants are showing a variegated discoloration especially on lower leaves. Several varieties are affected. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  I was concerned about the concentric circle lesions on a couple of leaves (typically a symptom of early blight), so I reached out to our plant pathologist, Dr Alicyn Smart, for her […]

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How do you dispose of multiflora rose branches that were cut?

Question: We have an invasion of wild roses, multi flora, which are making mowing difficult. We have cut back an huge amount of branches and want to know how to dispose of branches. Can I bring them somewhere so they can be burned? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  I’m sorry to hear about your […]

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What insect has defoliated my fruit trees and how do I manage them?

Question: I need help with fruit tree caterpillar damage. In very short order, my pear tree is completely defoliated, and my plums and apple are seriously set back. The culprits are 3/4″ light green worms. Any idea what they are and what I should do now? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  I’m very sorry […]

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What insect could be eating bean seedlings?

Question:  The bean seedling leaves are being eaten, sometimes just when true leaves emerge and sometimes after true leaves are established.  What is eating them? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant I’m awfully sorry to see the state of your bean seedlings! There are several possible culprits for the damage you’re seeing, among them the bean […]

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Should I prune the new shoots of my young pear tree?

Question: I have a McLaughlin Pear tree that I did not prune well in the spring, before the leaves emerged. It is now early June, and the three-year old pear has several shoots growing rapidly that are very low to the ground. Is it best to let it grow and prune these off next spring? […]

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What is the best least toxic way to get rid of Oriental Bittersweet?

Question: What is the best least toxic way to get rid of Oriental Bittersweet without using Roundup? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant  I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), as it can be quite a chore to remove. The Penn State Univ Extension has an excellent page on the plant, including […]

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How do you prune a lilac tree?

Question: I have a white lilac that is needing to be pruned/trimmed and don’t know who to call to do it. It is healthy and blooms all over but some of the branches are growing up into wires that go from corner of my house across street to pole. I would like to have it […]

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