Maine Home Garden News

How do we deal with a critter digging up bushes that were just planted?

Question: We recently had a magnolia and lilac bush planted by a landscaper and there seems to be some critter that is coming and digging up these newly planted bushes. How do we deal with this situation? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional Unfortunately, it’s often difficult to identify what’s working at those roots, […]

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Can you help identify the problem with the lilacs on my property?

Question: Two lilac trees on my property have some disease or pesticide infestation. Can you help me identify the problem and offer a solution?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional Lilacs commonly suffer foliage fungal infestations, especially in hot, wet summers, and it definitely looks as though that’s what’s going on here. Typically, they […]

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Will a soil test determine why my seeds did not germinate?

Question: I have just moved into a condo and was so lucky to find a garden there. Unfortunately, the maintenance workers, while mulching our shrubs, covered the vegetable garden with mulch. I was assured by the property management that it was not toxic. However, in my many years of gardening, I have never planted seeds […]

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Are my older high bush blueberry plants at the end of their productive years?

Question: I have 24 high bush blueberry bushes purchased about 20 yrs. ago (from a reputable garden store). This is the first year their production is considerably lower than in all past years. Should I be concerned that these plants are near the end of their productive years? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional […]

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What are the grayish spots on the surface of my peaches?

Question:  I have had a peach tree for six or seven years. This year we seem to have a bumper crop of peaches growing on our tree. However, the majority of them have some grayish spots on the surface which seems to be only on one side of the peach. I have attached three pictures. […]

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Why are my apple trees experiencing problems?

Question: We have two apple trees that seem unhappy. They are five years old and this is the first time we’ve seen this issue. What is wrong with them? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional There are potentially a couple of things going on here. The circular spots on the leaves in your first […]

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