Maine Home Garden News

How should I move my irises and day lilies without wrecking them?

Question: I have irises and day lilies in my garden. Now they have moved themselves to the Eastern side of the garden. (surprise, surprise) I need to move them, but don’t want to wreck them. The irises are all hooked together. If I break them, do I lose that part? Also, some of the lilies […]

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How can I bring my wooded space to life?

Question: We just moved into our first home in South Portland! We have a wooded .5 acre of space that we have deemed as the “wasteland.” For probably close to 30 years the previous owners just allowed the space to be used for dead trees, sticks, leaves, trash and other debris. Many trees have fallen, […]

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What native groundcovers can out-compete goutweed and quackgrass?

Question: Thank you for helping me identify two invasives last year: goutweed, and quackgrass. I used buckwheat to smother a patch of quackgrass (yes, it seems to working!) and have tried blackout and pulling for two other areas where goutweed has heavily taken over, including infiltrating established daylilies and lilies of the valley, many of […]

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Can you help me understand hardiness zones?

Question: I’m out in Bethel, and I’m looking at buying some trees, both fruit, and landscaping. I’m trying to understand some things about hardiness zones. We’re in zone 4 (I think), though we’re not far from Zone 5, but when I look at record low temperatures in Bethel, they’re well above -20F (which is minimum […]

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When can I plant lettuce seeds in the ground in my raised bed?

Question: When can I plant lettuce seeds in the ground in my raised bed? I live in Kennebunkport. Answer: Kate Garland, Horticultural Professional Lettuce seeds are quite cold tolerant and therefore can be sown directly in the garden as soon as the soil dries to the point where you aren’t seeing it stick to your […]

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Where can I get my soil tested?

Question: Where can I get my soil tested? I live in Camden Me. Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator If you’d like the Maine Soil Testing Service to analyze your soil, please go to the following website to request that a soil test box and form be sent to you, Analytical Lab and Maine Soil Testing […]

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Can I plant pachysandra underneath my service berry tree as a ground cover?

Question: Can I plant pachysandra underneath my service berry tree as a ground cover? The service berry is two years old and 7’ tall. I’m wondering if they would be compatible? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator Many people do plant pachysandra or other ground covers beneath trees, and the trees survive, but it is not […]

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When can I rake my flower beds and still protect the pollinators?

Question: When can I rake my flower beds and still protect the pollinators? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator Great question. The longer you can leave the plant materials in place, the more likely you are to allow overwintering insects to emerge on their own time. Their emergence is directly linked to growing degree days, Understanding […]

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How can I keep my husk cherries producing until frost?

Question: Last year I grew husk cherries in 10″ diameter x 10″ high containers on a table topped with hardware cloth in my garden to make harvesting easier. I used a Fox Farm potting medium in the pots. For the first couple of month, the plants grew terrifically and the fruits were much larger than […]

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When is the right time in spring to remove straw from strawberry plants?

Question: I planted strawberries in a raised bed last spring. I covered it with straw for the winter. When is the right time to remove the straw that is still covering the plants? I peeked under the straw and noted some healthy leaves. Answer: David Fuller, Agriculture and Non-Timber Forest Products Professional IV It sounds […]

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