The Midway USA Foundation

The MidwayUSA Foundation is a huge supporter of Youth Shooting Sports across the United States. They fully believe youth shooting sports provide opportunities for students to make friends, develop confidence, and learn discipline and leadership skills just like any other sport. The Midway Foundation uses 5 programs to help fund youth shooting sports. The main program is the Team Endowment Program in which the Midway Foundation funds nearly 2800 teams across the country. Each team has an endowment that the team can grow through fundraisers and donations with a match made by Midway Foundation. Every year, each team is eligible to receive up to 5% of their endowment through a cash grant, which can be used to fund their youth shooting sports.
Every donation made is matched by the MidwayUSA Foundation and greatly helps to increase our abilities to educate youth through 4 H Shooting Sports. Funds are used to buy equipment like ammunition, clays, targets, and arrows, to manage our ranges and provide youth with scholarships to attend Shooting Sports camps during the summer. Funds are also used to train volunteers at 4 H Shooting Sports training events each year and support Shooting Sports programs outside of camp.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer Shooting Sports Instructor, check out our Adult Programs Page (link to page?) for upcoming opportunities.