October 2021 4-H Newsletter
4-H Happenings
A monthly newsletter for Hancock County 4-H Members
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Table of Contents
Upcoming Dates| County News | Club News | State News | Leaders Meeting Minutes | Cooking with Kids
Upcoming Dates to Remember
October 3-9 – National 4-H Week
October 6-17 – Fall Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply Company
October 11 – Indigenous People’s Day – Extension Office Closed
October 12 – 4:30 pm – 4-H Leaders’ Meeting via zoom
October 28 – Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafe Returns
November 1 – Re-enrollment Forms are due in Extension Office
County News
Photo Contest 2021
There are some talented youth photographers in Hancock County! We wanted to extend a huge round of applause and thank you to the following 4-H youth who submitted photos this year:
- Finn M., Independent
- Adalyn J., Jolly Juniors
- Lilly M., Jolly Juniors
- Ella K., Jolly Juniors
- Nora M., Jolly Juniors
- Emma S., Independent
- Nayeli M., Independent
- Kaydence M., Jolly Juniors
- Alyssa S., Rails N’ Trails
- Zoe S., Rails N’ Trails
- Kacie S., Rails N’ Trails
- Lily T., Rails N’ Trails
You are all talented 4-H’ers and we are proud you are a part of Hancock County 4-H! Can’t wait to see what you take pictures of next year. Thank you to Tina Smith from Fire Chicks Photography and Cindy Rogers, 4-H Staff Member from Knox & Lincoln Counties, who judged the photos. You can see all their entries here.
Leaders’ Meeting – The next Leaders’ Association meeting will be by Zoom on October 12, at 4:30 pm. Email carla.scocchi@maine.edu for the private link.
4-H Enrollment 2021-2022 – Another 4-H year begins on October 1! Re-enrollment packets have been sent out. If you have not received yours – please contact Joyce asap at 667-8232 or joyce.fortier@maine.edu. The deadline is earlier this year due to upcoming changes in our office – please have paperwork returned to the Extension Office by Monday, November 1st.
Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply – The Fall paper clover campaign will be held October 6-17, with the opportunity to donate to 4-H in-store and online. This year, due to the COVID-19 crisis, Tractor Supply is requesting no physical presence from 4-H programs at their stores including outdoor spaces like parking lots.
Celebrating 4-H Summer Learning – The 4-H Summer Learning Series was created as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and was so successful in connecting kids across the state and bringing experiential learning right to their homes that we decided to launch it again in 2021 — with tremendous impact! Check out the Outcomes & Impacts of the 2021 program and enjoy watching the celebration video. Thanks to everyone who made it possible – youth, families, volunteers, staff, and our generous donors who kept the program cost-free to participants.
COVID-19 Guidelines for in-person 4-H programs
With all the changes and updates to pandemic-related guidelines that have happened throughout the year, we wanted to remind all 4-H members of the current guidelines for in-person 4-H programs. Below is a summary of important top guidelines, but the full checklist can be found here.
Indoor Meetings:
– Masks are required for all adults and youth, regardless of vaccination status
-3 feet of social distance must be maintained (6 feet if eating or drinking)
Outdoor Meetings:
– Masks are recommended, but not required (but may be required by your 4-H Club Leader)
*Contact Tracing will be done for all in-person meetings
*Health screening questions are asked the day of the program
*If you are not feeling well, you are asked to stay home or you will be asked to leave the program.
Questions? Concerns? Please contact Carla anytime!
Intergenerational Video Project – Ellsworth Public Library, The Grand Auditorium, and Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County invite young people to participate in our Intergenerational Video Project. Students will interview an older adult. This could be a relative or you can request to be matched with a community member. We will provide students with positive and uplifting interview questions and someone from the library or The Grand will be there for tech support. The videos will be featured in a compilation on November 13. This is a great opportunity to learn interview skills and to connect during this time of social distancing. If you would like to sign up, please visit here. or contact Abby Morrow, Community Engagement Librarian at Ellsworth Public Library – email amorrow@ellsworthlibrary.net for more information.
Club News
Rails N’ Trails – Wanted to add a little shout out to my new club member Audrey! She rode in the Blue Hill Fair Horse Show. It was her first time showing a horse ever. Unfortunately her and the horse she was riding did not have a good day together so she ended up scratching out of the rest of the show after the first two classes. Understandably disappointing for her but I was so impressed that she chose to have a positive attitude about the whole situation and continued to root on her fellow club members! You’re amazing Audrey-look forward to watching you at the fair show next year!
Submitted by club leader, Lee Sargent
State News
1. Minerals and Gems: Maine 4-H STEM Toolkit of the Month
Each month we will be highlighting a different 4-H STEM Toolkit available from UMaine Cooperative Extension 4-H Program!
Maine has a rich history of mineral mining, especially in the western part of the state. Currently sand and gravel are the principal resources being mined, but granite and slate are also extracted. In certain parts of the state limestone and gemstones are mined successfully. The Minerals and Gems 4-H Science Toolkit was developed to introduce youth to these geologic resources. The toolkit contains eleven experiential learning activities and includes samples of minerals and gems found in Maine. Youth will explore those minerals and gems using standard identification methods and tools (such as hardness and streak). Youth will explore the structure of those minerals, and will learn where in Maine minerals are found – and why! This Maine 4-H Toolkit was created with the generous support of the Maine Mineral and Gem Museum.
Learn more about this, and other 4-H STEM Toolkits online, where you can see what is available for different age groups or topic areas.
2. Maine 4-H Dairy Team Earns Blue Ribbons at The Big E
On Friday, Sept 17, and Saturday, Sept 18th, Maine sent four 4-H Dairy members down to The Big E to compete against other New England states in a newly formatted set of competitions. The day started with the 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest and ended with two 4-H Dairy cooking competitions, Grilled Cheese and Extreme Milkshake. The Maine Quiz bowl Coach (and Chaperone) Wendy Landry helped the team prepare for the event in the months prior. The four youth members, Owen B. from Penobscot County, Ali L. from Cumberland County, Jillian S. from Cumberland County, and Kat L. from Cumberland County won first place in the 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest. All team members take a written General Knowledge test before the team competitions, scores are used to seed the teams for the buzzer rounds. Maine 4-H member Kat Leach received High-Scoring Jr., and team member Jillian S. received High-Scoring Sr. in the written exams. Owen, Jillian, and Ali also took home the 1st place for their grilled cheese sandwich which consisted of extra sharp cheddar cheese, colby jack cheese, grilled chicken, bacon, and ranch dressing on homemade sourdough bread. In addition, Kat and Owen received 1st place for their entry into the Extreme Milkshake completion. The recipe included 100% Maine ingredients, locally made vanilla ice cream, fresh blueberry milk, whoopie pies, and blueberry cake and topped with a lobster lollipop.
3. Plan Your College of Engineering Enhanced Visit
Sign up online through the Admissions Office to attend a College of Engineering Enhanced Visit! Each Friday, the tour starts at 10:00 am and ends at 12:00 pm. This tour covers the following majors of College of Engineering: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Construction Management Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Survey Engineering Technology, School of Engineering Technology. Registration closes ONE WEEK before tour date. To register, and to see other opportunities to learn about UMaine, visit: go.umaine.edu/visit/.
4. Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes
Maine 4-H Virtual Teen Science Cafes are back this fall! Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us this season as we explore topics in environmental science. Sessions will be offered one Thursday a month from 3-4pm, starting October 28. Registration coming soon, please check our website for more details.
5. 4-H Agriculture Leadership Opportunity for Teens
The Maine 4-H Ag Leadership Program is accepting registrations for an eight-week agricultural education and leadership experience. This program is open to Maine youth ages 14-18. Youth involved in this program will have opportunities to pursue their interest in agriculture and explore career pathways. This includes mentoring in post-secondary opportunities, as well as sparking a passion to investigate and explore current issues around food systems, livestock, crop sciences, aquaculture, climate issues impacting food systems, social justice around food equity, and more. There is not a requirement to have previous 4-H membership, this program is open to all Maine youth with an interest.
These opportunities will begin with a creation of an online learning cohort and will also include in-person experiences across the state and on the UMaine Campus.
Visit the Maine 4-H Agricultural Leadership Ambassador Program webpage for more information or to register.
6. Get Involved in the Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP)
Do you like wild animals, trees, and the environment? Are you thinking about pursuing a career in land stewardship or wildlife management? Then you might like the Wildlife Habitat Education Program! WHEP is a 4-H and FFA program aimed at educating young people about wildlife habitat management. All ages are welcome, but the program is best suited for ages 8 to 18. In addition to learning how to identify wildlife, fish, animal tracks, and trees, youth participate in an annual state competition to test their knowledge! Particularly knowledgeable youth aged 14-18 may compete in the National WHEP contest!
Attend the Zoom informational session on October 26that 6:30 pm to find out more about how you can get involved as a volunteer or youth participant. Register today! Contact Erin McDonald in York County if you have any questions: erin.mcdonald1@maine.edu or 207-324-2814.
7. 4-H Volunteers- We Need Your Input!
Please tell us if any of the workshop topics listed would be of interest to you! Answer the five questions in less than a minute, hit submit and then stay tuned to see what will be offered during this winter’s 4-H Volunteer Cabin Fever Series! Thanks for your help! 4-H Volunteer Workshop Interest Survey
September 14, 2021 –Zoom meeting due to COVID-19–
Present – Lisa Carney, Lee Sargent, Dwight Sargent, Terry Swazey and office staff Carla Scocchi (online) and Zabet NeuCollins (online). (4)
Terry stated that the Treasury had not changed much
Lisa had no secretary correspondence.
Old Business:
- Office- Zabet has accepted a new job, this is her last week. Joyce is retiring on December 3rd, and Carla will be out from November until February. The office will be very lightly staffed. They hope to advertise for jobs in January.
- The deadline for enrollment has been moved up to November 1st to allow Joyce to enter as many as possible.
- There is a new enrollment database as well.
Food Booth-
Steer – Sold about 5000 tickets, need to find someone to raise the steer next year.
New Business:
- Cloverfest – maybe keep it lowkey and go apple picking or pumpkin picking? Try to do something outdoors? Set up placards to recognize individual achievements. (Photo contest, Razor Crossman). Would need to be during the day, maybe on a Saturday.
- 4H Awareness Day (Pumpkin Days) is on Columbus Day Weekend. Ask Brenda and Heather for input, Carla will email. Have it in the fields across from the Extension office? Would need to check availability. Or right here at the office, have apple bobbing and/or a ghost walk.
- Leaders Banquet – have a potluck at the Extension office, keep expenses down and easy to reschedule if we need to due to COVID.
- Check with Brenda and Heather to see if any of their members qualify for the Hancock County Service Award.
Adjourned at 5:36
Respectfully submitted by Lisa Carney, Secretary