August 2018 Newsletter

4-H Aquaponics SPIN Club

Boy looking into a fish aquariumThis summer, Hancock County 4-H has been collaborating with The Center for Cooperative Aquaculture (CCAR) in Franklin and the University of Maine Center for Inclusion and Disability Studies (CCIDS) to offer a 4-H Aquaponics SPIN Club to high school youth in the Franklin area. The group meets at the CCAR facility weekly to care for two aquaponics systems, through which the youth learn about growing plants with the wastewater from fish! Highlights so far include: feeding Halibut and Codfish, taking water quality measurements, thinning lettuce seedlings, dissecting a squid, and cooking with Deb Spurling, Nutrition Educator from the Extension Office! The program continues until the end of August and we hope to continue aquaponics programming this year throughout Hancock County.

This program is supported by Maine EPSCoR, SEANET, UMaine Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research (CCAR), UMaine Center for Inclusion and Disability Studies (CCIDS), and UMaine Cooperative Extension.

Upcoming Dates to Remember

August 14: 6:30 p.m., Leaders’ Meeting, Extension Office

August 28: 3:00-7:00 p.m., 4-H Exhibit Hall Check-in

August 30-September 3: Blue Hill Fair at the Blue Hill Fairgrounds

September 1: Maine 4-H Foundation Photo Contest Deadline

4-H News

Leaders’ Meeting

This month’s Leaders’ Association meeting will be on Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2018, at 6:30 p.m.  If you would like to come, but travel is too far, how about joining us by video.  If you have a computer with a camera, we can get you set up!  With our video technology at the Extension Office, up to 20 different folks can “beam in.”  Call the office at 207.667.8212 ahead of time if you would like to participate from home.  Please come and help make the discussion a lively one!

Incredible News! Another 4-H Camp and Learning Center is About to Join Our Awesome Family of 4-H Camps!

You can help make this happen! The Maine 4-H Foundation has been working hard to acquire funds to purchase the Greenland Point Center in Princeton  (Washington County). The goal is to create a new, fourth 4-H Camp and Learning Center, and eventually create a conservation easement to protect the property.  To date, $319,000 has been secured of the $350,000 needed to purchase the property. Can you help us raise the $31,000 we need your help to reach our goal to support local youth? We are due to close on August 31, 2018, so time is critical. To donate go to the 4-H Foundations’ Make a Donation page and don’t forget to mention ‘Greenland.’

Welcome New VOTed Volunteers

We are pleased to announce three newly VOLTed leaders who have completed their training and paperwork in Hancock County.

  • Christina Allen, Blue Hill
  • Andrew Chung, Blue Hill
  • Rebecca Conable, Blue Hill
  • Lee Lee Leonard, Blue Hill

Welcome to the 4-H family!

Tractor Supply Event

On August 25, Tractor Supply in Ellsworth is going to be hosting a Pet Adoption Event: celebrating pets, pet adoptions, activities, and giveaways. They called asking if 4-H would be willing to do some sort of activity there.  This would be a wonderful opportunity for a club to do a fundraiser. If you would be willing to participate, please call Joyce at the Extension Office at 207.667.8212 or email at

Blue Hill Fair

A reminder that the Blue Hill Fair is from August 30 – September 3 this year! Did you know that ALL 4-H’ers are encouraged to exhibit their projects in the 4-H Exhibit Hall? If you are a 4-H Club member, you can encourage your club to start planning for your Club Exhibit.  We also encourage all 4-H’ers (Independents, Club, Groups) to participate in the 4-H Cake Contest! This is a great opportunity to help promote 4-H in Maine. The 4-H theme for the fair this year is “4-H: GEARED for Greatness.” How can your club exhibit or cake match the theme? Be creative!

Exhibit cards are available in the Extension Office. Read the Exhibitor’s Handbook on the Blue Hill Fair website.

Fair Forms

All Exhibit Cards and Exhibit Hall Entry Blanks are available at the Extension Office.

Volunteers needed for 4-H Food Booth and Steer Ticket Table – Calling all 4-H families!

The 4-H Food Booth and Steer Ticket Raffle are the two largest fundraisers for the Hancock County 4-H Leaders’ Association. The funds raised are used to support the 4-H programs you love all year long: Cloverfest, June Jamboree, Public Speaking, Style Revue, Leaders Banquet, and so much more! We rely on our strong 4-H community to deliver quality youth programs in Hancock County, and this year we are asking 4-H Clubs, Groups, Independents, and Parents/Guardians to volunteer their time during the Blue Hill Fair (August 30-September 3).

We need:

  • Youth AND Adult Volunteers for the 4-H Food Booth: Youth are responsible for running the “front” of the booth (taking orders, distributing food), and adults run the “back” of the booth (cooking burgers, hot dogs, etc)
  • Youth AND Adult Volunteers for the Steer Ticket Table: selling Steer Tickets to fairgoers.

If you haven’t volunteered at the fair before, please consider contributing to this important cause this year! Contact Joyce at the Extension Office to sign up for a shift at the Food Booth and/or the Steer Ticket Table: or 207.667.8212

Steer Tickets have Arrived, Annual Steer Ticket Raffle Begins!

The Steer Ticket fundraiser is the premier fundraiser for the Hancock County 4-H Leaders’ Association. Tickets are $1 each; 15 cents go directly to the  4-H Club that sells the tickets, 85 cents go to the Leaders’ Association to support 4-H programming, scholarships, county events, and more.

The Steer Ticket Raffle winner will receive a cut-to-order, freezer-ready Beef Steer raised by a Hancock County 4-H’er, OR $500 cash. The drawing is at 5:00 p.m. on Labor Day at the Blue Hill Fair.

The 4-H Club AND the 4-H’er who sell the most tickets will receive an award at Cloverfest.

Tickets are now available for pick up by 4-H’ers at the Extension Office, or at 4-H June Jamboree. Steer ticket money must be returned to the Extension Office to Joyce Fortier by August 24 or the fifteen cent club money per ticket will be forfeited! Steer tickets are not to be brought to the Blue Hill Fair.

Steer Tickets and Cloverbuds

As long as Cloverbuds are not handling the money and are under the direct supervision of an older youth or adult, they can participate in a club or countywide fundraising activities.  Also, remember that we cannot sell raffle tickets to people under 16 years old.  Adults should not put youth’s names on the tickets.

Showmanship Tips!

Good showmanship improves the look of your animal while letting you exhibit your skills in front of a crowd.  Many things can make you stand out in a showmanship class.  Whether you are showing beef, sheep, Alpacas, or other livestock, here are some good tips:

  • Wear a nice button-down shirt with khaki pants in a show ring (unless otherwise instructed).
  • Upon entering the ring, walk forward in a clockwise direction on the left side of the animal
  • When turning your animal, always try to turn to your right (into the animal). If you go left, your animal might step on you.
  • Keep adequate space (3-4 feet) between your animal and others.
  • Always keep your eye on the judge. You don’t want to miss his or her instructions.
  • Once you are stopped and have the halter or lead in the correct hand, you need to make sure the animal is set up properly to show the animal’s best qualities. The legs need to be square under the animal’s body, and the backline is straight. Train your animal to stand still like this for at least five minutes at a time.
  • When an animal is set, you can both relax a bit. A slow pace is desired to keep the animal clam.
  • Always be courteous to others in the show ring. Never block other exhibitors from the judge’s view.
  • When a problem arises in the ring, calmly wait for a ring helper.

Some Things You Can Do To Prepare For A Showmanship Class!

  • Attend a local or major livestock show and observe the showmanship skills of exhibitors.
  • Demonstrate proper livestock showmanship techniques for a 4-H group or other groups.
  • Conduct showmanship contests and have them videotaped. Critique how club members did after viewing the tape.

Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors Application

Don’t forget, now is the time to get your application into the Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors. Membership in this organization covers families with liability insurance. This insurance is a requirement at all fairs in the state of Maine. You can now renew or join online at Maine Association Livestock Exhibitors website. Doing it online means getting your membership cards quicker, but don’t delay. You must show proof of this membership before you will be able to show.

unsafe site:

 4-H Cake Contest

Friday, August 31, 7:30 p.m., at the Blue Hill Fair Livestock Show Ring.  NEW: 4-H Clubs, Groups, and Independents may enter.  4-H Clubs and Groups may enter up to three (3) cakes.  Independents may enter one (1) cake. The Theme this year is 4-H, GEARED for Greatness!  All counties may participate.  Create a great tasting cake that is also a delight to look at and helps promote 4-H in Maine.  Prizes will be awarded!  The audience will enjoy sampling the cakes. See complete rules in the Blue Hill Fair book.

Seeds & Birds Event Series

The following event series is open to the public, and 4-H’ers are encouraged to attend. All workshops will be facilitated by 4-H Leader and SEED Barn Founder, Lee Lee Leonard.

  • August 14: Tea with the Blue Hill Garden Club
    2:00 to 4:00 p.m., SEED Barn, 53 Falls Bridge Road, South Blue Hill
    As an introduction to the series, bird SEED, Peter Leonard, president of the Blue Hill Garden Club is hosting a ‘presidents tea’ at the SEED barn. He has extended an invitation for 4-H members to join the garden club for tours of the garden, with a special focus on growing out native seeds and reclaiming ground from invasive species. Demonstrating how long it takes for native seeds to become established we will examine different stages of meadow plants over three years of garden restoration. We will also learn how to mimic bird digestion to sow seeds from native fruiting plants. Garden club and 4-H members are invited to share their own knowledge in the process.
  • August 22: Conservation Kids Community Weaving
    10:00 a.m. to 12 noon, SEED Barn, 53 Falls Bridge Road, South Blue Hill
    In thinking about augmenting habitat for birds, we will draw inspiration from the traditional creative practices of weaving in this region to build a sculpture immersed in the landscape. Using material found on site, we intend to weave branches into a sculpture that would serve the dual purpose of providing winter shelter for wildlife. in the process, we will open ground in the meadow into which we may start reintroducing native meadow plants.

This project is fifth in a series of five “Conservation Kids” projects by the library that is intended to engage youth volunteers to positively impact the environment and community on the Blue Hill Peninsula. The projects are designed to teach youth proactive steps they can take to make a difference in helping to preserve the natural world around them. These programs are made possible by a grant from the Davis Conservation Foundation.

  • September 22: Great Maine Outdoors Weekend
    Blue Hill Heritage Trust: Kingdom Woods Blueberry Field
    Bringing sculptural considerations from the above workshop out into the field on a larger scale, the Blue Hill Heritage Trust is inviting the public to participate in a “community weaving” in the Kingdom woods as part of the Great Maine Outdoor weekend. We are restoring a blueberry field by clearing trees and scrub brush. This, in turn, will provide material to create sculpture woven through the landscape while also providing shelter for overwintering birds.
  • October 3: Invasive Plants Day at the Blue Hill Consolidated School
    (The previous weekend we will be walking the campus to identify and flag plants to be removed, date and time TBA)
    Invasive species like bittersweet and barberry can also be spread by birds! This community workshop with the Blue Hill Consolidated School will tackle the removal of bittersweet and other invasive species. In the process, we will explore how birds may help – or hinder – restoration. We will also restore their gardens with native plants grown out at the SEED Barn. A series of signs will be installed that describe the relationship of plants in the larger ecology, utilizing the material we learned over the course of this SPIN club.

Support for materials provided by the Maine Arts Commission

Contact Lee Lee Leonard to sign up at 303.570.3152 or

Club News

Lock, Stock & Barrel

Lock Stock and Barrel 4- H Club offers a variety of disciplines from basic rifle and archery to black power. 4-H Shooting Sports clubs are the only clubs that required leaders be trained in their choice of disciplines before they can start working with youth; for the safety of youth and leaders. This is a fun and safe sport with everyone following the rules. Safety is paramount and there is absolutely zero tolerance of misbehavior on and off the range while youth are participating.

Lock Stock and Barrel has nine leaders, many holding more than one certificate in various disciplines. The disciplines for beginners are basic rifle, archery, and wildlife. Postal League in the winter, but members must have completed basic rifle first. Youth may take these course more than once and in fact, many of them do. The programs are free. When a fundraiser is held all members are asked to participate. The club now offers a teen group. Because the teens do camping, canoeing, orienteering, hiking, black power, shotgun, first aid and sometimes winter camping, the teens must have completed all of the basic disciplines at least once and be 13 years of age.

In 2017-2018 nineteen youth were enrolled with eight in the teen group. The youth meet at the Blue Hill Rifle and Pistol Club on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm in the fall through the spring. Lock Stock and Barrel would like to thank the BHR&P Club for supporting the youth by keeping Wednesday nights open for the 4- H club. Community service activities include cleaning the meeting room at the range and participating in some of the events held at the Blue Hill Rifle and Pistol Club, Blue Hill, Maine.

This year some of the teens went to the Waltham turkey shoot in the fall with two of our members winning turkeys. In the spring some of the teens and leaders went to Bradley to the Leonard Mills Museum and helped spruce up the place. Sherry Davis, Director of the museum, is one of Lock Stock and Barrel’s archery instructors. Other activities include Postal League with Kaleb N.,  winning his division 2018 and a day down to YMCA camp in Waltham with leader Chris Kravitt, Henry Bowden, and Becky and Norwood Ames.

Sign up is in the fall, Wednesday, September 12 at 6:00 p.m. We have a potluck and an informational meeting and sign up after the meal.

Submitted by Becky Ames, Lock, Stock and Barrel 4-H Leader

State News

Eastern States Bus Trip, Saturday, September 15, 2018

It’s time to reserve seats for the buses traveling to Eastern States Exposition (ESE or also called the “Big E”) in West Springfield, Massachusetts for Maine Day on Saturday, September 15, 2018.

This one-day trip is sponsored by the Maine Trustees of the Eastern States Exposition to encourage Maine 4-Hers who don’t presently participate in events at ESE to see the activities that go on for 4-H youth in hopes to bolster their enthusiasm to participate in the future.  Two buses are reserved for us and the northernmost bus will originate in Bangor and they will both stop at several points on I-95.  Seats fill up quickly, and we will begin taking registrations immediately.
All youth must go with a chaperone, but because this event is primarily for youth; seats are limited to no more than two adults per child – chaperones must be the parent or legal guardian of the 4-H member, or an enrolled VOLT trained volunteer.  The bus ride and admission to the “Big E” are free, but all individuals on this trip are expected to march in the parade at 5:00 p.m.  It works well if you wear a 4-H t-shirt if you have one, and for clubs to bring their club banner to display during the parade.

Items you might want to bring along with you are light snacks, water, a good book, Rated G movies (there is a DVD player on the bus), a pillow, and a blanket.  There will be a rest stop along the way.  Other items to consider bringing: clothing to identify your club, a comfortable pair of walking shoes, a hat with a visor, sunglasses, sunscreen, a backpack, personal spending money, a camera, and a watch.  If you have a cell phone, it will be helpful for logistics.  Please include your cell phone number when you register.

Please leave valuable items at home.  We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.  Bus stops will be determined based on the location of riders.  Reservations must be made in writing or by e-mail to Jessy Brainerd, 103B Libby Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5741 or email

When you register, please give the name, age (for adults, just state “adult”), address, home phone, and cell phone number of each person in your group.  Reservations are due by Friday, September 1st (call after this date to check on seat availability).  A confirmation email will be sent to you a week before the trip giving you your time and pick up location.  Pick up will be bright and early in the morning, and both buses will be leaving The Big E at 7:00 pm.

Volunteers are needed to serve as Bus Monitors.  Bus Monitors will serve as the contact person for other passengers on their bus and will make sure everyone gets back on the bus at the rest stop.  If you’d be willing to serve in this capacity, please let us know when you sign up.

If you have questions, please contact Jessy Brainerd at 207.581.3877 or 800.287.0274 (in Maine).

Photo Contest!

We know we make a huge difference in the lives of Maine youth through 4-H. I appreciate all of the hard work and dedication our 4-H staff makes across Maine. The Maine 4-H Foundation had a great year in 2017 raising over $748,000 in donations and investment income! A great deal of this funding was restricted to your programs! Good job!  Our goal for 2018 is to continue to increase our support to 4-H programs across Maine.  To make this happen the Maine 4-H Foundation needs to hear about your great programs and see youth in action! Becky Mosley suggested a statewide photo contest and the Foundation Board agreed!  Photos make all of the difference!  The Maine 4-H Foundation is pleased to announce a new youth, volunteer and staff photo contest. To win, submit as many photos (with photo releases) as you like to Susan Jennings by September 1, 2018. Photos need to be originals, have a photo release (for people in the photo) and include the copyright release from the photographer. They need to be digitally submitted to Please add your name, email contact, age and photo release information.

Youth and Volunteer Prize(s):

  • Grand prize for the best overall photo: Something 4-H Awesome!
  • Prizes given in all divisions (Youth age up to 8, 9-12, 13 and up, volunteers)
  • 1st Prize: $100 gift card
  • 2nd Prize: $75 gift card
  • 3rd Prize: $50 gift card
  • Staff Prize: $500 on account at the Maine 4-H Foundation that you can use for a special 4-H program, event, workshop, conference or donor challenge.

Questions? Call Susan Jennings at 207.615.7300

Susan Jennings, Maine 4-H Foundation

Maine 4-H Project Records, Reflection Tools and Digital Badges!

Maine 4-H is excited to roll out new 4-H project records, reflection tools and opportunities for digital badges. A team has been working to design the new records aligned with research and connections to Maine’s commitment to proficiency-based education in mind. We know that these won’t be perfect and are anxious to have YOU help us try them out and be part of the process. The new records are now posted online and can be found on the state 4-H website.  Direct links are available here:

  • Project Record – Advanced (Word | PDF)
  • Project Record – Beginner (Word | PDF)
  • Project Record – Cloverbud (Word | PDF)
  • Project Record – Intermediate (Word | PDF)
  • Portfolio (Word PDF)

We are also planning a few ways for you to be part of the team to ask questions and give feedback.

  • Join our Google classroom community. This will be a place where volunteers and youth members are able to share real-time feedback about these tools.
  • To join: Sign in at Classroom
  • On the homepage, click Add – Join class
  • Enter the code d9jmty and click Join.
  • Participate in our live feedback sessions. Please save the date for feedback sessions.  These will be conducted using Zoom.  Register for these sessions with KymNoelle Hopson at 207.353.5550 or
  • September 11, 2018 from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

We are looking forward to having YOU as part of our team. If you have any questions please contact Kristy Ouellette, or 207.353.5550, extension 12.

Hancock County Leaders’ Association
July 10, 2018

Members Present: Dwight Sargent, Kasha Robertson, Carla Scocchi, Lee Sargent, Lisa Carney, Heather Linnehan, Terry Swazey, and Brenda Jordan (N=7)

The flag was saluted and the 4-H pledge recited.

The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports from June were accepted as written and read.

Club Reports

The Jolly Juniors are selling steer tickets.

Rails N’ Trails did Jamboree and have sold lots of steer tickets, and they just did Eastern States horse tryouts (there were only 9 kids competing).

Heather is organizing her horse camp (August 6-10), they might try geocaching (the Extension Office has some hand-held GPS units for use if they are interested), the club is willing to paint the inside of the exhibit hall during that week. They are willing to donate paint, and Lee still has paint left from the food booth.

Free 2 Be sent 2 kids to Tanglewood 4-H camp.

Old Business

Photo Contest: Pictures are due July 20.

Food Booth: Next meeting August 1 at 6:00 p.m. at the Extension Office.

Panels for Horse Stalls: Lisa needs to get the rest of them, need another matching padlock and cable. Should store them in the exhibit hall after the fair.

New Business

Food Booth Repairs: Trying to get electric done, might be able to get some plumbing done.

Exhibit Hall Storage Shed: There are too many wasps, need to be sprayed. The outside doors need to be repaired. Going to ask Arthur Wilbur if he would be willing to help. Joyce should have his contact info, Lee will call him. We should be able to dig the rocks out of the ring, use Robbie’s tractor if possible.

Steer Tickets: Sales are ongoing, call the office if you need more. We should consider increasing the amount of prize money by 100 or 200 dollars. Increase ticket prices? Add a freezer to the prize? Get it donated by HD or Dunnets or Browns?

Blue Hill Fair: Club entry tickets to get into the exhibit hall or food booth. Only the youth get a ticket for the exhibit hall, not the family. Can only have six tickets per shift? Need to find out how many tickets a group needs, have tickets at the office. Dwight should have tickets early this year. Dwight is on the grounds, call him if you need tickets to cover an extra shift.  Joyce will contact each shift leader to see how many they need and get them to them ahead of time.

Office Report

Carla took the website training for creating online forms and should be able to do Jamboree forms, so it should be much easier to sign up next year and the website should be much improved. She says it will be coming this fall. Two kids went to Tanglewood on TSC scholarship money. The aquaponics SPIN club would like to exhibit in the fair; Dwight says the BHF would pay them premiums and the rest of the members indicated that they would be quite welcome. The cake contest is now open to Independents. The BHF poster will be of a 4-Her with oxen. The University of Maine is trying to raise money for a new 4-H camp in Washington County at Greenland Point.

Motion to adjourn made at 7:52 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Lisa Carney, Secretary

Cooking With The Kids

Oatmeal, Strawberry, Banana Smoothie


  • 1 frozen banana
  • ¼ cup old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 container (6-ounce) nonfat vanilla yogurt
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • ½ cup frozen strawberries

Directions: To freeze banana: peel banana cut into chunks and freeze overnight or at least four to five hours.  Blend old-fashioned rolled oats in a dry blender until it becomes a powder.  Add yogurt, milk, and cinnamon to the oatmeal powder and blend together.  Add frozen strawberries and the frozen banana to the blender.  Blend until smooth and enjoy!

University of Maine Cooperative Extension Eat Well