Maine Extension Homemakers Council to hold their annual Spring Meeting

Barbara Hathaway, Maine Extension Homemakers Council (MEHC) President, invites all Maine Extension Homemakers to attend the MEHC 2012 Spring Meeting.  Extension Homemakers will gather from all over the State of Maine on Saturday, April 28th in Waterville.  The theme for this year’s meeting is A Garden Party. 

All members will bring a package of vegetable seeds, to be donated, as part of their registration for the day.  In addition, their Garden Party Display Contest should make for a fun and exciting day.  Displays will be set up, judged, and prizes awarded.  The Cultural Arts Displays are always a meeting highlight.  Everyone is able to view and enjoy some of the handiwork of other homemakers. 

Extension Homemakers will participate in train-the-trainer sessions on Nova Scotia, Falls and Balance, and Technology: Connecting You to the World.  Those trained individuals will return to train other individuals at the county level and these individuals will then educate and inform other homemakers in their local Extension Homemaker groups.

A raffle of gift baskets, donated by each county Extension Homemaker Group, will help to raise money to support MEHC programs and projects.  All members are encouraged to attend and join in the fun.  Interested Extension Homemakers should contact their county president or county advisor for information on how to pre-register for the event.  The cost to participate for the day will be $25.00.