MEHC Advisory Board Guidelines for Nominating Committee
Maine Extension Homemakers Council [MEHC]
Executive Board Guidelines for the Nominating Committee
As stated in the Maine Extension Homemakers Council Bylaws, the Nominating Committee will operate according to a set of guidelines established by the MEHC Executive Board. The bylaws additionally state that any qualified person who has been a member of any Extension Homemakers group or is currently a member of MEHC may be elected to a state office. Terms are for two (2) years and officers may be elected for one additional term with the exception of the Treasurer who may serve for three consecutive terms.
Nominating Committee Procedures and Timeline:
• The Nominating Committee will be appointed, notified, and charged by the MEHC President annually, at the regularly scheduled meeting of the MEHC Executive Board in February.
• A notice to Extension Homemakers, of open officer positions, will be included in the invitations sent out to register for the Spring Meeting. Executive Board Guidelines for the Nominating Committee and the form to nominate potential officers will be included in the annual MEHC directory and will be available at the MEHC Spring Meeting.
• A verbal call to Extension Homemakers that may be interested in filling an open officer position will be issued at the Spring Meeting.
• Any Extension Homemaker that is interested in filling an open position should complete and submit a Potential Officer Questionnaire/Recommendation Form to the chair of the Nominating Committee by the regularly scheduled meeting of the MEHC Executive Board in June. Any Extension Homemaker may suggest that another Extension Homemaker be considered for an open position by filling out and submitting the Potential Officer Questionnaire/Recommendation Form to the chair of the Nominating Committee by the regularly scheduled meeting of the MEHC Executive Board in June.
• In performing their responsibilities, the Nominating Committee will:
o consider all Extension Homemakers that have had their names submitted for consideration through a Potential Officer Questionnaire/Recommendation Form, and others as they deem appropriate, to prepare a proposed slate of officers for the Fall Meeting
o conclude its responsibilities by presenting a slate of qualified candidates at the Fall Meeting.