2019 Maine Extension Homemakers Council (MEHC) State Calendar

February 4: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Executive Board Meeting, Penobscot County Extension Office, 307 Maine Avenue, Bangor, Maine 04401-4331 (video conferencing available), 1.800.287.1485 or 207.942.7396. Bring your own lunch.

  • Refreshments: Somerset and Oxford
  • Show and Tell: Franklin and Hancock

February 7: Snow date MEHC Exec. Board Meeting, if needed

March 1: Annual Reports due to MEHC President, MEHC Advisor, and County Advisors

April 27: MEHC 2019 Spring Meeting, Morgan Hill Event Center, Hermon, Maine. Theme: ___

June 3: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Executive Board Meeting, Penobscot County Extension Office, 307 Maine Avenue, Bangor, Maine 04401-4331 (video conferencing available). Bring your own lunch.

  • Refreshments: Cumberland and Aroostook
  • Show and Tell: Somerset and Oxford

August (date to be determined): MEHC All Committee Day Work Session, arrival, 9:30-10:00 a.m.; meeting from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Somerset County Extension Office, 7 County Drive, Skowhegan, Maine 04976-4209, Phone: 207.474.9622 or 800.287.1495 (in Maine)

September 20-21: MEHC 2019 Fall Meeting hosted by Aroostook County, Caribou, Maine. Theme: Native Americans of the St. Johns Valley

November 4: MEHC Executive Board Meeting, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Penobscot County Extension Office, 307 Maine Avenue, Bangor, Maine 04401-4331 (video conferencing available). Bring your own lunch.

  • Refreshments: Hancock and Franklin
  • Show and Tell: Cumberland and Aroostook

November 6: Snow date MEHC Exec. Board Meeting, Penobscot County Extension Office, Bangor, Maine, if needed

December 16: Dues due to MEHC Treasurer, Judy Mann, 12 Rista Road, New Sweden, Maine 04762. Phone: 207.896.1006, Email: jemann@maine.rr.com

Coins for Caring: Send to the MEHC Treasurer, Judy Mann by December 16, 2019