Invasive Plant Rules in Effect

New Rules Prohibit Sale of 33 Invasive Terrestrial Plants

AUGUSTA – The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) has adopted rules to prohibit the sale and distribution of thirty-three terrestrial plants that were deemed invasive. The plants were reviewed by a specially-convened committee of horticulture professionals, land managers, foresters, wildlife biologists and other scientists. The new rule went into effect on January 14, 2017, but the prohibition of sales does not begin until January 1, 2018.

“The plants on this list have invaded farms, fields, forests, and wetlands throughout the state,” said Commissioner Walt Whitcomb. “Although many were originally promoted with good intentions, such as, the prevention of soil erosion or to support wildlife, they have spread throughout Maine to the detriment of native species. In many places, they have come to dominate forests, wetlands, fields and local landscapes, excluding native plants that support our economy and natural areas.”

“The Maine Forest Service, Public Lands, and the Natural Areas Program have joined with the Bureau of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources to locate and eradicate invasive plant and animal species,’ said Doug Denico, Maine State Forester. “The Public Lands are a major focus of current efforts, with the education of the public also a critical undertaking in order to extend the department’s statewide effectiveness.”

“All but three of the prohibited plants have been, or continue to be sold in the nursery trade, said Gary Fish, Maine State Horticulturist. “Some of them have already been discontinued by nurseries which recognized their harmful potential. Three are not intentionally sold but are “horticultural hitchhikers” which sprout as weeds in the pots and rootballs of plants sold in the nursery trade. A few of the plants are still in some demand, including Japanese barberry, burning bush, privet and Norway maple, especially the crimson king variety. Maine nurseries and garden centers will have until January 1, 2018, to sell stock already on hand.”

Many non-invasive alternatives are available to help homeowners and nursery professionals satisfy their landscape needs without using invasive plants on the list.

A copy of the rules and the plant list are found on the DACF website on the Horticulture Program / Invasive Plants page of the, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry website.

There is also a list of resources to help find alternative plants on the Horticulture Program / Invasive Plants page of the, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry website.

To identify and control invasive plants, the Department maintains plant fact sheets and a gallery of photos and management tips on the Maine Natural Areas Program / Invasive Plants page of the, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry website.