Just Released! Maine Invasive Plants Field Guide
June 2019 special price – $18.00 includes sales tax and shipping!The Maine Natural Areas Program in the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry is excited to announce the publication of Maine Invasive Plants Field Guide. This 3.75 x 8” field guide covers 46 species of terrestrial and wetland invasive plants and is waterproof, portable, and ring-bound to allow for future additions. Each species account includes key identification characters, growth form, habitats invaded, control methods, similar native and non-native plant species, and current status of the plant in Maine. We are offering an early order price of $18.00 (includes 5.5% sales tax and shipping/handling) for orders received by June 30, 2019. To order, please use our order form or send a check made out to Treasurer, State of Maine to MNAP For credit card orders (Master Card or Visa), please phone 207-287-2801. If you have questions (including wholesale pricing), please call 207-287-8044 or email maine.nap@maine.gov |