Request for Applications for the Removal of Aquatic Invasive Plants Grant

The new RFA for the removal of aquatic invasive plants is now posted on the State of Maine RFP/RFA website (RFA # is 202411197). You can find the new application and instructions here under Department of Environmental Protection:

The application has slight modifications from last year, but is largely the same. A few things that I would like to highlight:

  • Please read the instructions and provide as much detail as possible in the narrative portion of the application.
  • The 2025 RFA includes an opportunity to apply for funds for plant surveys beyond the direct surveys associated with removing plants. We strongly encourage applicants requesting funds for plant survey to have a management and/or survey plan.
  • All applications (1-year applications and 2-year applications) are due February 7, 2025, no later than 11:59 p.m., local time.  There is NO flexibility in this deadline.

Applicationmust be submitted electronically to the following address: Electronic (e-mail) Submission

  • Section B: Eligibility to Submit Bids  You will see listed under # 2 Chemical plant control as a management technique.
  • Section D: Awards You will see that applicants can apply for 1 or 2 years of funding. (We prefer 2-year grant cycles)
    • If you applied for 2 years of funding last year you DO NOT need to put in an application this year.  If you applied for 1-year last year you must do a new application. If your second year of funding ended last year you will need to reapply.  You can apply for one or two years of funding.  Bidders applying for two (2) year funding must include a separate management plan outlining annual performance on each waterbody for which funding is requested, including a cost proposal for each year.

Regarding Plant Control trainings, Denise Blanchette will be in touch with the dates and instructions for 2025.

During the application process DEP cannot engage in planning conversations with potential applicants. All questions regarding this RFA must be sent to the RFA Coordinator (Toni Pied,, by January 24, 2025, no later than 11:59pm.