Hirundo Wildlife Refuge Invasive Species Removal Day April 16
This month, Hirundo Wildlife Refuge is focusing much of its efforts on invasive species removal. Please join us on April 16 from 10:00 – 12:00 to help protect the native plant and animal populations by taking part in the management of non-native invasive plant species.
An invasive plant is defined as a plant that is not native to a particular ecosystem, whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. There are currently approximately 2,100 plant species recorded from Maine. Approximately one third of those are not native. Of those plants that are not native, only a small fraction are considered invasive, but these have the potential to cause great harm to our landscape (Maine Department of Agriculture, conservation & Forestry).
Hirundo is focusing much effort on the management of the severely invasive and non-native plant Glossy Buckthorn. It was introduced in 1800’s as an ornamental shrub for fence rows and wildlife habitat. Just like other non-native invasive plants Glossy Buckthorn, native to Europe, North Africa, and Central Asia, lacks natural predators to keep it in check. Like so many other invasive species it leaves out early and retains its leaves longer in comparison to native plant species. This adaptation increases energy production, allows the plants to produce more leaves, seed, and offspring, and outcompeting native plants. Over a short period of time habitat providing food & shelter native animals rely on are reduced and ultimately eliminated.
Volunteers gain experience and knowledge in identification of non-native invasive species while lending a hand saving the native landscape for the precious wildlife. We will be using cutting tools including loopers, clippers and handsaws. Thank you!
Click here to register.