Recent Weather Observations

Recent Precipitation (=rain and liquid water amount in snow)

The previous two hours precipitation is shown by the Intellicast time-series radar.

Rain fell where the image shows:

  • Green (light rain)
  • Yellow (more intense rain)
  • Red (very intense rain)

Reload the page if think you are not getting the latest image.  Subtract four hours to convert to Eastern Daylight Savings Time.

Previous 24 Hours Observed Precipitation: Amount from 8:00 a.m., yesterday to 8:00 a.m., today (but if you view it early in the day, the range is 8:00 a.m., two days ago to8:00 a.m., yesterday).

Previous Seven Days Precipitation: Amount from 8:00 a.m., seven days ago to 8:00 a.m., today (but if you view it early in the day, the range is 8:00 a.m., eight days ago to8:00 a.m., yesterday).

  • Current Wind Animation Map: Not an official NOAA page, but based on an hourly update from NOAA forecast database.  Zoom view, easy to interpret wind speeds.
  • Weather Animation MapAlso not official but based on NOAA data.  Zoom view.  Click on “Earth” box to show precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, and other values.  Time options are Now, + or – three hours, + or – one day.  Gorgeous graphics, but harder to interpret specific wind speed.

Seasonal, Daily, and Hourly Weather Data

Month Table with Daily Values
(Weather Underground website)

Daily Table with Hourly Values
(Weather Underground website)