Marketing Your Farm Products
Now that you have land and a great product, how are you going to sell what you grow or raise? This section includes a list of resources developed by many regional and national organizations to help you answer that question. What follows is a web-based digest to help you do your own research and build a marketing strategy for your business.
- Maine Senior FarmShare Information for Farmers – Get Real. Get Maine!
- Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets
- Marketing Articles – from MOFGA online community
- FairShare CSA Coalition Marketing Resources
- Direct Marketing Resource List – North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension
- Resources for Marketing – Beginning
- Selling at Farmers’ Markets – Growing for
- Build Your Market and Grow Your Business – New Farmers
- Marketing webinars – Cornell University Northeast Beginning Farmer Project
- Marketing, Business & Risk Management – National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA)
- SARE: Marketing Management – Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program
- Marketing Strategies for Farmers and Ranchers – SARE National Bulletins
- Guide to Direct Marketing Livestock and Poultry – Cornell University Small Farms Program
- Plain Language Guide to Selling at a Farmers’ Market – Tufts University New Entry Sustainable Farming Project
- Fruit and Vegetable Marketing for Small-scale and Part-time Growers – Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Publications
- Facts on Direct-to-Consumer Food Marketing – USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
- The Dynamics of Change in the U.S. Food Marketing Environment – USDA AMS
- Implementing WIC & SNAP at Maine Farmers’ Markets – Get Real, Get Maine!
- Choosing Your Market: A Direct Marketing Decision Making Tool for Small Farmers – New England Small Farm Institute (NESFI)
- A Market-Driven Enterprise Screening Guide (PDF)
- Marketing Webinars – University of VT New Farmer Project