This day-long school is sponsored by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Maine Vegetable and Small Fruit Growers Association. Lunch will be provided so pre-registration is encouraged and […]
The University of Rhode Island Boots to Bushel (URI B2B) - Market Garden Training for New England is a comprehensive 9 – month market garden training program for beginning farmers, […]
This webinar will give information on the detection, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases for domesticated rabbits including coccidia, E. cuniculi, and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease. Also covered are approved drugs […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension Sustainable Agriculture Educator, Brett Johnson will give a talk describing growing and marketing practices in specialty potato production in Maine followed by a report on […]
University of Maine Cooperative Extension Sustainable Agriculture Educator, Brett Johnson will give a talk describing growing and marketing practices in specialty potato production in Maine followed by a report on […]
The University of Rhode Island Boots to Bushel (URI B2B) - Market Garden Training for New England is a comprehensive 9 – month market garden training program for beginning farmers, […]
The University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Knox and Lincoln Counties will host a spring workshop instructing home gardeners and commercial producers on how to prune mature apple trees successfully. […]