New “No Payment” email to Event Registrants

— By Whitney Yorston, UMaine Extension CRM System Support Professional

More often than we’d like, a client starts the registration process, they fill out their information, answer all of their custom questions, select their payment amount, hit submit… and then don’t pay. They get our hopes right up and then dash them away. 

Good news! In Salesforce, we know who these people are! 

They come in with a Registration Status of “No Payment”. 

A Salesforce Screenshot of an event member registration status bar

In addition to being able to identify these clients, if a client sits in “No Payment” for 2 days, an email will go out to them asking if they’d like to complete their payment!

2-Day “No Payment“ Email

  • If one of your registrants sits in “No Payment” for two days, an automatic email will go out to them asking if they want to complete their payment. The email directs them to contact us at if they do!
  • If they email us back, we promptly reach out to them and supply them with a payment link to finish their registration
    • If they use the payment link, it will automatically register them for the event!

A sample of the email is below:

Hello <First Name>!

Thank you for your interest in <Event Name>.

We see that you started your registration but have not completed your payment. Are you still interested in attending? We’d be happy to send you a payment link so you can finish your registration.

Feel free to respond to this email if you are interested and we will be in touch shortly.

Have a great day!

UMaine Cooperative Extension

We hope you find this new feature as exciting as we do!