Recognizing UMaine Extension Volunteers for National Volunteer Week, 2021
In observance of National Volunteer Week, April 18-24, 2021, the UMaine Extension Communications and Marketing Team asked Extension staff to submit names of Extension volunteers to honor and recognize as UMaine Extension Outstanding Volunteers.
The team created short videos, from submitted photos and/or video clips, to thank the volunteers whose names were submitted for recognition. Though only a few were represented, this week of gratitude is meant for each Extension volunteer – for their ideas, efforts, and patience during the pandemic.
The linked button to these videos of appreciation, along with Dean Hannah Carter’s Volunteer Appreciation video, will appear on the home page of both our public site and on Plugged In and will be shared on social media throughout National Volunteer Week, April 18-24, 2021.
Questions? If you have questions or would like to make use of these recordings in promotion of your program, please contact the UMaine Extension Communications and Marketing Team at
While we were unable to feature every one of our outstanding volunteers, we wanted to acknowledge the role they played in supporting our outreach efforts throughout the epic year of 2020!
Submissions We Received From UMaine Extension Staff
The following UMaine Extension Volunteers names were submitted for recognition of their efforts by staff members throughout the state:
Dean Hannah Carter Thanks All UMaine Extension Volunteers
Thank You All UMaine Extension Volunteers!
Let’s be sure to thank all of our UMaine Extension volunteers this National Volunteer Week, April 18-24, 2021!
The “Recognizing UMaine Extension Volunteers for National Volunteer Week” video series is produced by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Communications and Marketing Team.
Questions? If you have questions or would like to make use of these recordings in promotion of your program, please contact UMaine Extension Communications and Marketing Team at