2017 Extension Professionals Meeting

Blueberry Cove Hinky Dory signWednesday, November 8, 2017
4-H Camp & Learning Center at Blueberry Cove
St. George, Maine

Registration is closed.

Contact the EPC at extension.epc@maine.edu if you have questions.

The Extension Professionals Committee (EPC) requested and received support from the ELT for a 2017 Extension Professionals Meeting: a full day of informational and interactive sessions (see the agenda topics below). It’s our hope that the meeting will energize, inform, and engage UMaine Extension professionals, old and new.

The EPC surveyed its members for dates and locations. The majority chose to meet on Wednesday, November 8, 2017, at Blueberry Cove!

The EPC also surveyed members for suggested session topics and, from those, selected topics that will strengthen camaraderie and increase members’ job knowledge through sharing, learning, and problem-solving. The day will be designed to be particularly useful to a large number of new professional employees.

Outcomes: Attendees will come away from the 2017 meeting with a clearer understanding of their own and their colleagues’ roles in Extension; opportunities for professional development, advancement, and collaboration; contractual policies; and available resources.


9:00 a.m.: Pick up packets and nametags, set up displays, enjoy a hot beverage and snack, chat with colleagues

9:30 a.m.: Welcome/Icebreaker, Lyndsey Smith

10:00 a.m.: UMPSA and the Current Contract, Neil Greenberg (UMPSA rep for UMaine) and John Bracciodieta (MEA)

10:45 a.m.: Organizational Update, John Rebar

11:00 a.m.: The Career Ladder and Preparing a Promotion Packet, John Rebar and Tracey Ferwerda

11:45 a.m.: You’ve Received Significant Additional Duties, Now What?, Fran Sulinski

12:30 p.m.: Lunch; connect with colleagues

1:30 p.m.: Creating a Toolkit for Professional Staff, brainstorming session led by Michaele Bailey

2:00 p.m.: Problem Solving/Brainstorming Creative Solutions for Soft Money Issues, general discussion led by Audrey Cross

2:30 p.m.: 1-Minute Work Hacks. Professional development in 60 seconds? Sure! Come prepared to share a favorite tip or trick, something quick and easy that’ll help your colleagues work faster, smarter, more effectively.

3:00 p.m.: EPC Business and Q&A, Michele Lodgek and Cindy Eves-Thomas

3:15 p.m.: Wrap-up, Door Prizes, Evaluation

3:30 p.m.: Adjourn

List of all UMaine Extension professionals: You must be a member of the Extension Professionals Gmail group to view this list. If you are an Extension professional and cannot access this list, please contact EPC at extension.epc@maine.edu for help.

Questions? Contact the EPC at extension.epc@maine.edu.