March 31, 2017 Update on Avian Influenza
“H7 avian influenza has been identified in Georgia; you can find the link to the News Release here. Please refer to the USDA-VS newsroom link, Tennessee (TN), Alabama (AL) and Kentucky (KY) Department of Agriculture websites for updates on the AI status in their respective states.
While the case has been identified in a state that resides partially in the eastern flyway, the case was identified in the extreme western part of the state and is not yet a concern for impacting our flyway. Keep in mind this is a rapidly evolving situation and this can change at a moment’s notice.
Again, this is a great reminder to be vigilant about biosecurity and remind your producers to report unexplained sick birds.” — Maine State Veterinarian Justin Bergeron

Please be aware that wildlife agencies also survey for Avian Influenza in wild birds, and that low pathogenicity AI does occur sometimes in wild birds in our region. It is difficult to do, but it is essential to keep your birds separate from wild birds: separate from water, feed, dust or feces that wild birds have contaminated. If you lose birds suddenly and would like our to test for AI, please let the state vet know and also contact the University of Maine Animal Health Lab at 207.581.2788.