
Swine/Avian Flu: Current Situation and General Concerns

By Anne Lichtenwalner, DVM, PhD, University of Maine Cooperative Extension A single case of novel H3N2 “swine flu” was diagnosed in Maine recently. The patient has recovered. At this point, the CDC is investigating the case. What should farmers do? If you have pigs, it’s even more important to follow good biosecurity practices, and to […]

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What To Do When You Find a Dead Wild Bird

It’s not uncommon for wild birds to have mishaps, or die when old and temperature-stressed. Weaker birds may succumb to diseases that would not be a problem for more robust birds. Also, many “teenaged” birds have accidents due to the newness of flight. If you find a single dead wild bird: Be sure to wear […]

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Sanitize Wild Bird Feeders in the Spring

As spring brings migrating birds back north to our wild bird feeders, University of Maine veterinarian Anne Lichtenwalner reminds us that those backyard feeding stations need a little spring cleaning for the safety of wildlife and even domestic pets. “Even resident, year-round birds are more active as the weather warms, and may be spending more […]

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