2019 March

March 19, 2019


Call to Order:                  Anna M. called the meeting to order at 5:38p

Members Attending:    Anna, Matthew, Sadee, Samara, Anne D. Katy, Theresa, Anne R., Ken

Members Absent:         Aktan, Jacki, Dave, Jodie, Eric, Darcy

Staff Attending:            Rick, Viña


Minutes of February Meeting

On a motion by Matthew, seconded by Samara, the minutes were approved with the correction that Chase Stream Farm will not be able to provide syrup for the RLD gift bags.


Financial Report

No significant discussion. On a motion by Anne R., seconded by Theresa the treasurer’s report was approved.



Staff Reports



See program report. Lots of travelling – Canada and Vermont. Rick presented at the So You Want to Farm in Maine course in Gardiner. The program has approx. 35 people attending the 5-wk sessions. The next Tractor Safety course is 22 April.


Food Systems & Youth Development

See program report. Of note, provided support to Waldo County team that attended a digital ambassador 4-H training in WA DC. Viña also passed on information about a Community Forum on Food Insecurity to be held at the Belfast United Methodist Church, 23 Mill Lane, Belfast on Thursday, 4 April 2019. Registration begins at 0830 for the half day event. Open to the public.



See program report.

  • The digital literacy team is looking for possible venues [where adults naturally gather] where youth will teach adults some skills around digital literacy.
  • State event: Maine 4-H Days [July 19, 20 and 21] In search of caring adults to share knowledge and skills with youth through interactive workshops. If you or if you know of others who enjoy working with youth and would like to be a positive mentor for our youth or teens, this is an easy way to participate. Workshop presenters can volunteer for one session on any given day. For more information, contact Jessy brainerd@maine.edu or call Jessy at 581-3877.
  • 4-H representatives will be attending the next WCEA meeting on 16 April to discuss their Plan of Work and estimated budget for potentially including a separate budget line into the County budget for next year.
  • The 4-H committee also requests permission to sell raffle tickets at Rural Living Day to raise money to send county youth on to Eastern States aka The Big E. On a motion by Anne D., seconded by Anne R., the committee approved the request of Waldo County 4-H to sell raffle tickets at Rural Living Day 2019.


On a motion by Matthew, seconded by Katy, all program reports were approved.



Subcommittee Reports


Ag Plastic

The call for proposals for the grant has been issued. The budget outline is due 9 April, which Rick is working. David is putting together the outline of the narrative, and with assistance from Matthew Wallhead, the Ornamental Horticulture Specialist with Cooperative Extension and Assistant Professor of Horticulture in the School of Food and Agriculture at the University of Maine, the team expects to meet the end of April deadline for proposal submission.


Scholarship Applications

One application has been received thus far. The deadline is 19 April.


Rural Living Day – 4/6/19

Approximately 125 people have registered thus far. There is low sign up for the Green burial and Tick Talk classes. Please promote through your networks.

  • For those able to help, please arrive around 7:30 am to help with set up.
  • Viña will send out the volunteer and room monitor assignments.
  • Katy volunteered to put together talking points for room monitors that will include information about where the $$ generated from RLD will be applied.
  • Pictures of the rooms should be taken prior to set up, in order to ensure rooms are put back together properly at the end of the day. Early session room monitors, please do this.
  • Room monitors should be prepared to introduce the speaker, give a quick overview of the talking points, and help with distributing and collection paper evaluations at the end of each session.
  • If possible, please stay until the end of the day to help with clean up.

Sonia sent out a note to speakers and WCEA members offering the use of a table set up to sell their items or provide more information.


President’s Announcement

Sadly, Anna announced that she will be moving out of Waldo County and will not be able to continue as WCEA President. Anne R. offered to host our final meeting on 21 May at her home, which will also be a farewell party for Anna! More planning to occur at our April meeting.


Snacks for next meeting

Rick and Viña volunteered to provide snacks for the next WCEA meeting on 16 April at 5:30p.



On a motion by Katy, seconded by Anne R., the meeting was adjourned at 6:55p