2017 November

Wednesday, November 14, 2017

[Note: Decisions in bold italic.]

Call to Order: Eric called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM.
Members Attending: Eric, Matthew, Samara, Anna, Anne R., Anne D., Mary Ann, and David
Members Absent: Katy, Ken, Theresa, Jodie, and Sam
Staff Attending: Rick, Viña, Caragh

Minutes of October Meeting

On a motion by David, seconded by Anne R., the minutes were approved as presented 8-0-1.

Financial Report

Anne R. presented the latest financial report. Everything looks good. On a motion by Mary Ann, seconded by David, the Financial Report was approved 8-0-1. It was noted that the County Budget Committee meeting was coming up that Friday night (Nov. 17). Our appointment is at 6:50 PM. Rick and Anne R., will go. Others were invited to join if available; our history has been very positive in having our request approved.

Educators’ Report Highlights

  • Rick has a dairy apprentice filling in for a farmer in VT while recuperating from surgery
  • Rick is leading developing a curriculum for the Dairy New England Climate Adaptation Project
  • Caragh is leading a NESARE Professional Development Grant project to train ag service providers on sprayer and nutrient management calibrations across New England
  • Viña’s job may be changing as Food Corps may no longer be hosted at Cooperative Extension

Civil Rights Statement

The Association reviewed the University’s civil rights statement. On a motion by Mary Ann, seconded by Anne D., Katy as chair was authorized to sign the statement on behalf of WCEA. It was further noted that the Association intends to go above and beyond the categories listed in making our services available to special populations within Waldo County (such as the Amish and others who do not use computers).

Growers’ Potluck

Anne D. reported for the subcommittee. It was proposed and approved that the potluck will be held on Saturday, February 10 at the United Farmers Market of Maine in Belfast. Gather at 4:30, program at 5:30. A panel of presenters will be recruited to inform growers of market trends in restaurant purchasing and stimulate conversation. Projected expenses of a $200 cleaning fee and modest advertising costs were approved. Possible panelists were discussed. The subcommittee will follow up.

Agricultural Plastics

Dave reported that this subcommittee will meet on December 5 at 5 PM at the office to chart a course forward. All members are welcome to join. Katy and Mary Ann have committed to attend. Rick will provide staff support. Nan Kennedy, President of the Maine Sustainable Agriculture Society, is expected to be interested in participating.

Other Project Ideas for WCEA

It was suggested that an Equipment Sharing Directory, like the dormant Hay Directory, would be valuable to establish and maintain. A platform and protocols would need to be established. Guidelines of being good stewards of equipment should be clear and included. Equipment dealers willing to rent equipment should also be included. The question of what WCEA could sponsor that was separate from UMaine Cooperative Extension and who needed to carry insurance for any programs was raised. Caragh indicated that on November 28 the County Executive Committee liaisons were meeting and this issue would be raised.

Rural Living Day

It was decided to hold the event on April 7, 2018 at Mt. View High School. A committee of David, Anna, Katy, Caragh and Viña will meet ahead of the December 12 WCEA meeting to get the planning started. All other members are welcome to join in.

Farm to institution Summit

It was noted that a Farm to Institution Summit will be held on February 9 in Belfast.


On a motion by Anne R., seconded by Matthew, the meeting adjourned at 6:57 PM.