2018 December
Waldo County Extension Association
December 18, 2018
Call to Order: Anna called the meeting to order at 5:35p
Members Attending: Anna, Eric, Theresa, Samara, Anne D., Anne R., Sadee, Katy, Dave
Members Absent: Kate Hall (resigned), Aktan (work), Ken (convalesce), Jodie (illness), Darcy,
Matthew (vehicle issues)
Staff Attending: Rick, Viña
Minutes of November Meeting
On a motion by Theresa, seconded by Anne R., the minutes were approved with the understanding that Anne D. will update the 4H auction amount earned to $3500 vice $10k in the draft minutes.
Financial Report
The Waldo County Budget meeting held on November 30 was uneventful, and the Extension Budget request passed without objection. Rick explained that the Extension building encountered some unexpected catastrophes requiring payments in the amount of $1609 to cost-share with the county to replace the building furnace and condemned and unsafe refrigerator. There remains a $9281.54 carryover for activities in 2019.
Dick B. sent an email that the Farm Bill has been approved by Congress, but has not yet been signed by POTUS (The 2019 Farm Bill was signed by POTUS on December 20). It is unclear if the UMaine desire to have SNAP-Ed moved to Extension funding lines was included in the Farm Bill. If not included in the Extension budgets, there will be no available funds for a 4H Youth Development professional position. On a motion by Eric, seconded by Anne R., the financial report was approved as presented.
Staff Reports
Food Systems & Youth Development: See update.
Educator: See update.
See 4-H update. Note that the Waldo County EMA and 4-H Program are partnering to provide Emergency Pet Shelter training at the Waldo County EMA office on 4 Public Safety Way, Belfast on Saturday, 5 January 10:00am to 2:00pm. Please encourage your social networks to attend.
4-H Scholarship Discussion
Rick notified the committee that the proceeds from Rural Living Day can now be added to the 4-H Scholarship Savings Account. On a motion by Dave, seconded by Anna, the committee agreed to deposit Rural Living Day proceeds into this Scholarship Savings Account, rather than to Tanglewood 4-H Camp. The committee further agreed that once the funds in this low-interest bearing Savings Account reach $10k (the current balance is $7447), the amount should be rolled over into an investment account. At this time, the committee agreed that we will focus on building up the amount in the account to use for scholarships until such time as we have enough to again support the Tanglewood 4-H Camp. That amount is yet to be determined. The committee discussed the collective desire to intentionally raise funds to build up the scholarship account.
Subcommittee Reports
Winter Farmer’s Potluck – 2/16/19
Snow date of February 23 at the United Farmer’s Market of Maine – 18 Spring St, Belfast – 4p-7p. Glen Koehler, UMaine Cooperative Extension has agreed to speak about “Farm Response to Changing Weather.” Anne will send an invitation to surrounding county extension offices. She is also reaching out to some farmer musicians to play during the event (but not while Glen is speaking). The committee agreed to allow the performers to busk.
Additionally, there is a gentle movement to solicit donations from local businesses in order to have a silent auction to raise scholarship funds. Samara and Katy are working some magic behind the scenes. Anne requests that others seek out their networks to see if there might be some other generous donors! Flyers and posters will be available for distribution at the next Executive Committee meeting.
Ag Plastic
Dave was re-inspired during the High Tunnel Conference last month where he figured out that 34 TONs (low estimate) of Ag Plastic are being disposed of each year. The lack of viable recycling solutions is the leading cause of his Ag Plastic demoralized state. He believes this topic is perfect for a SARE grant.
Rick shared a discussion he had with someone who has developed a design for baling plastic. He will share his findings after he meets with said person.
Samara also shared that she had discussions with some Maine State Legislators (Rep. Craig Hickman – Winthrop, Rep. Owen Casas- Rockport, and Rep. Seth Berry- Bowdoinham) who were motivated to work on educating the State Legislature regarding the need to find a solution for recycling Ag Plastic. She also discussed her meeting with Christopher H. West – Research Scientist at the Advanced Structures and Composite Center.
The University of Maine Orono – who appears interested in doing some research and working to find innovative solutions for recycling Ag Plastic. Looks like the Ag Plastics group is back in the saddle and Dave will be feeling better soon!
Rural Living Day – 4/6/19
The Executive Committee whittled down the topics to about 28 in four categories of Small Livestock, Food, Homestead, and Gardening. The committee will work on confirming speakers and educators.
Snacks for next meeting
Anna volunteered to provide snacks for the next WCEA meeting on January 15 at December at 5:30p.
On a motion by Theresa, seconded by Dave, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08pm.