June 2020 Newsletter

Congratulations to Graduating Seniors!

Congratulations to all of our 4-H seniors who graduated high school this year! It has been a tough few months and the end of the school year was not filled with the same activities and excitement that typically accompany graduation. You are all incredible young adults and despite the uncertainty of the future, you will find a way to succeed. You are the future leaders of this country and even now, you can be a positive force for change in your local communities. Everyone at the York County Extension office is proud of all that you have accomplished.

A special congratulations to Lily H. and Grayson M. the recipients of the this year’s York County Betty Syvinsky Scholarship. Best of luck with your education!

York County 4-H Arts & Crafts Showcase

Thank you to our talented York County 4-hers for submitting their artwork to the Arts and Crafts Showcase. The artwork is currently displayed on the York County Extension 4-H page and the York County 4-H Facebook page. If you didn’t get a chance to create something for the York County Showcase, don’t worry! Information on how to submit virtual exhibit hall entries will be coming soon!

State 4-H News and Events

4-H At-Home Aquaponics Project

For youth ages 9+ interested in fish, gardening, engineering, aquaculture, and/or simply learning something new – we have a summer project for you! The 4-H At-Home Aquaponics Project is an experiential learning program delivered virtually beginning in Summer 2020, in partnership with the UMaine Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research (CCAR). The program will include learning experiences in introductory aquaponic systems and design, fish husbandry, aquaponic gardening, cooking and nutrition, and more! Prior experience with aquaponics is not required. The program leaders will mentor youth through the stages of designing and building an aquaponics system through maintenance and harvest. Youth complete their project independently at home (with adult supervision), but they are also members of a state-wide group of youth who will meet regularly via Zoom from July – October 2020. More info and registration is online.

What is Aquaponics? Aquaponics is a type of farming that combines raising fish in tanks (aquaculture) and growing plants without soil (hydroponics). In an aquaponics system, the plants use nutrient-rich water from the fish tank while purifying the water for the fish. Aquaponic farming can be done year-round, indoors, and in any climate. It is a fun and different way to grow your own food that is safe, easy, and fresh!

2020 4-H Summer Programming

4-H Staff and volunteers are working hard to put together some non-traditional offerings for Maine 4-Hers this summer.  Registration and other information will be available online on June 19th.

Learn at Home: Educational Resources to Use During School Closures

With novel coronavirus closing schools across Maine for several weeks, the UMaine Cooperative Extension has assembled this collection of helpful educational resources for parents and caregivers. From science to financial literacy, whether for toddlers or teenagers, we encourage you to take advantage of these activity books, guides, and other resources to help children remain engaged in educational experiences throughout their school closure. Find resources for every age group at: https://extension.umaine.edu/4h/learn-at-home/

Virtual UMaine Webpage

If you’re interested in UMaine – there is a dedicated web page for students to learn more information because Accepted Student Days and Open House Programs have been canceled for the spring.  Check it out at: https://go.umaine.edu/admitted-fyr/.