May 2020 Newsletter

Fair Updates

Some good news and bad news. First, the bad news… after considering the policies set forth by Governor Mills, the committees for Ossipee Valley Fair and Acton Fair have decided to cancel the fairs for the 2020 season. The good news is that in York County and all over Maine, 4-H is working hard to find ways to offer virtual exhibits/shows and judging so that our great 4-Hers can show off all their hard work. In the meantime, get crafty! See info below.

Arts & Crafts Showcase

If you haven’t already started thinking about an art or craft project for the showcase, now is the time! York County wants to see what our talented 4-Hers can create! Everyone can create art, so don’t be shy! Show us your creative side. Submissions are due June 1st. See the flyer at the end of the newsletter (or visit the York County 4-H Facebook page) for more information.

Being Thankful

Lots of farmers in Maine are working hard to contribute to our food supply during the pandemic. Whether it’s produce or seedlings, local farmers are helping to keep people fed. 4-Hers around Maine ares showing their appreciation by sending thank you cards to local farmers. You can find addresses for farms in York County through the Maine Farm and Seafood Products Directory.

STEP 1: Choose a local farmer that you would like to thank for being an important contributor to our local food supply. It can be a farmer you know or one you found on the Farm and Seafood Directory (see link above).

STEP 2: Write a note to a farmer with a personal message from you.

STEP 3: Take a photo of the message and send it to the Extension Office via email. Facebook or snail mail. We will make a photo collage representing all of the notes and ‘thank yous’ that we collectively send from York County.

STEP 4: Send your note in the mail with the good feeling that you will brighten a farmer’s day!

STEP 5 (optional): Record this as a service project in your 4-H Project Records!

Daily 4-H Offerings

Resources for Virtual Club Meetings

While we continue to follow the guidelines laid out by Governor Mills regarding social distancing, 4-H clubs remain unable to meet in person. However, Maine 4-H has put together some resources to help clubs have virtual meetings. Check out the website below: