Volunteers & Adult Chaperone FAQ
Who should volunteer?
Anyone/any club sending 5-8 or more kids from a club or county. When there are more than 5, there should be one volunteer for every 5 kids.
What qualifications do I need to be a volunteer?
Each adult volunteer needs to be VOLT certified by the time of 4H@UMaine weekend. Only adults 21 and older can chaperone youth. Younger adult volunteers can help in other ways.
As a volunteer, what might I be responsible for?
Volunteers fill very special roles! They can help with check-ins, prepare snacks, be dormitory monitors, chaperone a group to workshops, and/or be bus chaperones. Without our many volunteers, 4-H@UMaine weekend just could not happen. Volunteer role descriptions will be available when you register.
Will I get to stay with my kids the whole time?
Not necessarily, but there will be opportunities to hang out with them. When kids sign up for 4-H@UMaine, they get the chance to choose different workshops to attend. As kids each choose different workshops, they will be split with those groups. Also, the boys and girls are on different floors in the dormitory. However, if you have a child that needs your special attention and would do better with you nearby, that can be arranged.
How much will it cost to attend 4-H@UMaine as a volunteer?
Adult volunteers attend the whole weekend for free! This includes: workshops, activities, games, meals, snacks, chaperone dorm room, and bus ride to Orono (if your group is traveling by bus).
What are the benefits of being a volunteer at 4-H@UMaine?
There are many benefits to being a volunteer! First, you get the opportunity to watch the amazing kids in your life have a wonderful experience. Second, you get to attend for free and possibly sit in on some really fantastic workshops. Third, if you sign up early as a volunteer who will be a group chaperone, you get to choose which workshops you would like to attend! Finally, you get all the good feelings that go along with being a 4-H Volunteer!