Teen Leader Applicant FAQ
Why do I want to be a Teen Leader at 4-H@UMaine?
Many reasons! It offers you leadership experience and training, provides a great addition to resumes, and allows you to learn with and from your peers and friends, all while having fun.
What’s new for Teen Leaders this year?
We’re excited to have a couple workshops specifically for teen leaders this year! Teen Leaders will work together in a leadership workshop, be introduced to leadership opportunities at the college level, and join youth participants for a 4-H workshop of your choice.
What is the role of a Teen Leader?
Teen Leaders are very important to the 4-H@UMaine experience. They introduce the event to youth participants, engage attendees in fun games and activities, and introduce visitors and speakers to the event.
Do I have to be a Teen Leader in my 4-H club in order to be one at 4-H@UMaine?
Nope! You just have to have attended 4H@UMaine as a youth participant at least once and be ready for a new experience, and be willing to work with other teens, 4-H staff and volunteers from across the state.
What skills do I need?
We want you to bring energy, excitement, and openness to trying new things! Previous leadership experience is awesome, but not required.
How do I apply to be a Teen Leader?
The online application goes live soon. Once accepted, you will need to attend two trainings: one at your local county and one in-person meeting with the full teen leader team. Dates TBA.
If you have any other questions, please reach out to us at 4hatumaine@maine.edu!