Maine 4-H Days Volunteers Needed!

We couldn’t put on this great event without your help, so a BIG thank you in advance! We continue to be able to provide this weekend, at a low cost, when everyone helps out.  We recommend that each family take a minimum one volunteer shift throughout the weekend. We would like to note that these roles are open to anyone ages 15 and up, so if you have a responsible young person please encourage them to volunteer with you!

If you are interested in volunteering during the event, please select the roles you are willing to fill on your Maine 4-H Days Registration.


  • The opportunity to work with youth and or adults providing positive support and growth experience.
  • Volunteer development opportunities
  • Opportunity to share your skills, talents and interests
  • Brief orientation provided by University of Maine Cooperative Extension staff
  • 4-H thank you gift
  • Community Service/Citizenship opportunity

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Volunteer Roles

Bike Safety Team: These volunteers will be providing safety check-ins for riding and daily orientations to ensure safety of adult and youth participants. Youth will only be attending one for the weekend, but folks arrive in at varying times.

Clean Up: Take down signs. Move tables and chairs. Clean fairgrounds. Collect Maine 4-H Days belongings and organize for storage. Load equipment/materials. Make a last check of the bathrooms. Clean up will take place on Saturday afternoon.

Community Service Event Team Leader: Help us prepare and get organized and set up Saturday afternoon as part of orientation for this role. Experience with folding origami is great, but absolutely not necessary. 15 volunteers needed.

Compost Ambassador: Checking on buckets in kitchens, and toters, keeping track of the levels of scraps, educating others about the Zero Waste program at Maine 4-H Days, and answer questions when people aren’t sure about whether items are compostable, recyclable, or trash.

Creativity Area:  The creativity area is an unstructured arts and crafts experience open for drop-ins.  We provide the project materials and space, but need adult monitors throughout the weekend.  Monitors will help keep materials organized and available, while making sure participants are always safe, and encouraging creativity.

First Aid:  Monitor health of campers during the event, and provide First Aid and documentation as appropriate.  This volunteer role requires first aid and CPR certification. You must be a currently enrolled 4-H Volunteer.

Groundskeepers: Deliver messages around the grounds. Ensure bathrooms are kept clean and supplied, trashcans aren’t overfilling, and grounds are being respected. Make sure bikers and skaters are wearing helmets and that they are buckled. Please also monitor that appropriate language is being used.

Ice Cream Social: Set up space for event. Create a nice atmosphere for a social gathering. Help serve food, delegate tasks to people willing to help. Clean up and make sure space is left how it was found.

Lights Out Patrol: Perfect for you if you are a night owl. Oversee the campgrounds to ensure rules are being followed and people are obeying the lights out. Also make sure noise levels are kept down.

Office and Information:  Provide information to 4-H Days attendees. Give directions, updates on program changes, help connect people with someone who can help them better. A great way to learn more about Maine 4-H Days! Assist with check in at registration desk. Make announcements as necessary. Answer questions about workshops, check with the presenters if necessary.  An organized and outgoing person would work well.

Parking and Camping Assistant:  Help direct the flow of traffic during peak registration times.  This will be primarily in the camping areas, helping to monitor the flow of traffic and direct drivers to the appropriate camping area.

Participant Check-In Helper: Assist with registration flow on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning helping organize the flow of participant check-in to get individuals through the registration process quickly.  This will involve checking to ensure those entering office have paperwork complete before entering.

Photographer: Document the weekend and all events with photos and be willing to share back with the University of Maine.

Pick-Up Truck needed during the weekend. If you have an available pick-up to help move chairs and tables during the weekend, it would be very helpful.  Anytime that you could help would be appreciated, it doesn’t necessarily need to be for whole weekend.

Presenter Assistant: Many of our enrichment workshop presenters have requested help during their workshops.  Duties will be specific depending on workshop.  We have a lot of workshops and many presenters have requested assistance.  *This is a great role for teens!

Presenter Greeter:  Greet presenters and perhaps escort them to their area. Peak presenter greeter time is Saturday morning. This is a great role for teens!

Rest Room Maintenance Committee:  One of the most important jobs on the fairgrounds is maintenance of the bathrooms. Help keep men’s and women’s bathrooms maintained, refill empty toilet paper, sweep stalls morning and afternoon, special care to showers after morning rush, unplug toilets as needed, wipe sinks and counters, refill hand soap, and make sure there are trash cans in each rest room.

Set-Up: Move tables and chairs around fairgrounds for workshop presenters.  Put out trash barrels in locations given. Set-up will take place beginning on Thursday and go throughout the weekend.

Signage:  Hang and distribute necessary signs.  Clearly mark parking and camping areas as well as sections in workshop buildings.  Signs or sign materials will be provided.

Table Washers:  The tables used for Maine 4-H Days need to be washed initially before we use them, and also before we put them back.  We need people on Friday to wash tables before they are put out and then again on Saturday before everyone packs up and heads home.