Interview Questions
Judges will select questions from this list during the interview. Judges may ask you questions pertaining to items referenced in your application.
- Why do you want to attend one of these national trips?
Why do you feel you would be a good representative of Maine 4-H? - How do you describe 4-H to someone who does not know about 4-H?
- What are the most significant projects you have done during your 4-H career, and how long have you done them?
- What are the most important life skills you have mastered as a result of your 4-H work?
- How has 4-H encouraged you to do service within your club, school or community? How has community service made a difference in your life and/or the lives of others?
- How has 4-H helped you develop your leadership skills? Give us a specific example of a situation where you were a leader.
- How have the experiences and learning skills developed through 4-H influenced your future goals and plans?
- Tell us about something you do really well.
- Give us an example of how you have handled a difficult or challenging situation.
- Identify a problem or an issue where you wanted to see something changed. How did you address it, and what was the outcome?
Additional questions for Conference applicants
- How would you share what you learned at Conference with your county or state when you return?
How would you explain your experiences in 4-H to a senator or member in congress?
- What characteristics do you have that will make you a good representative for the state of Maine?
Additional questions for Congress applicants
- How has 4-H prepared you to be a good citizen?
- At 4-H Congress you will be with about 1,000 new people. What makes you most anxious and most excited?
- Please tell us about your experience with cultural diversity.
- What are some strategies you would use when meeting people from other cultures?
- Atlanta is a large city. Tell us what you would do if you got separated from your group in a large city.