

The name of this organization shall be Androscoggin-Sagadahoc Counties Extension Association (ASCEA)


The Androscoggin-Sagadahoc Counties Extension Association, in cooperation with the University of Maine, provides residents with research-based information to help them improve the quality of their lives. Program priorities are, but are not limited to: sustainable agriculture and use of natural resources; strengthening families and community fife; and 4-H Youth Development programs. The county Extension office, through community-based workshops, courses, publications and other means, offers knowledge to address current issues and needs as identified by local residents.


Program of Work The purpose of this Association shall be effected through the adoption and promotion of a program of work. This program shall be based on the results of a careful study of the problems and needs in the counties. It shall be approved by the Executive Committee in consultation with the County Extension Educators. When such a cooperative program has been developed and approved by the Association, it shall become the official program of work. This program will cover major activities that may require attention in the counties or in certain areas of the counties. Special problems or needs of local communities may be given attention as they’ arise, but may not necessarily be included in the county program of work.


Participation The participation in this Association shall be open to any person irrespective of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, or handicap, and who resides or works in Androscoggin or Sagadahoc Counties.


Executive Committee

Section 1: An Executive Committee shall be elected at each Annual Meeting. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of up to 18 members and includes:

a.) one representative of the Maine Extension Homemakers Council of Twin County, (MEHC/TC);

b.) one representative of each county 4-H Leaders’ Association;

c.) one representative of agriculture; and

d.) others representing different areas and interests in the counties. Extension Educators shall be non-voting members and shall advise the committee on program needs, University policies, and state-wide programs.

Section 2: Members of the Executive Committee will be elected for a three year term with the exception of the MEHC/TC representative whose appointment and length of service are determined by MEHC/TC.

Section 3: The officers of the Executive Committee shall act as officers of the Association.

Section 4: The Executive Committee shall hold at least 9 regular meetings during the year, not including, July, August, and December.

Section 5: Responsibilities of the executive committee include, but are not limited to, the following:

a.) To draw up in cooperation with the Assistant Vice President for Extension all memoranda of agreement concerning Extension work in the counties.

b.) To approve an annual financial budget, prepared by the Treasurer in consultation with the County Educators, of funds to be derived from the counties, and to present the same to the County Association for action at its annual meeting.

c.) To determine yearly programs of work in cooperation with the County Educators and to make recommendations to the Association at its annual meeting.

d.) In case of vacancy on the County Extension staff, to nominate to the Assistant Vice President for Extension a candidate for this position from those recommended by the Administrative Supervisor in charge of the type of work concerned.

e.) To fill vacancies as they may occur during the year in any office or committee. It is recognized that attendance at stated meetings by Executive Committee members is important to the proper transaction of Association business.

f.) To authorize annual audit of books at the end of the fiscal year, which is December 31.

g.) To establish each year a plan of action, to be acted upon by the executive committee, that will focus on a specific need or program.

h.) To perform such other functions as may be necessary for effective carrying on of the work of the Association.



The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. They shall be elected for a period of one year by the Executive Board and shall serve until their successors have been elected.

Section 1: President – The President shall perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of President. This person shall preside at all annual and special meetings of the Association and meetings of the Executive Committee. This person may call special meetings of the Association or of any of the committees whenever this person deems it advisable. On the application in writing of any fifty participants of the Association the President shall call a special meeting. This person may appoint special committees as may be necessary. The President may sign checks for the Association in the absence or inability of the Treasurer.

Section 2: Vice-President – The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in case of his or her absence and act as chairperson of the Program of Work committee.

Section 3: Secretary – The Secretary shall perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of Secretary. This person shall record and keep the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee. The Secretary is responsible for any correspondence the Executive Committee may demand.

Section 4: Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of this Association; shall deposit them or arrange for their deposit in such bank or banks as the executive committee shall direct; shall pay and sign all checks approved for the disbursement of funds of this Association; and shall make such reports as the Executive Committee may direct. The Treasurer shall submit monthly and annual financial reports to the Executive Committee of this Association and to the Administrative Office and shall report the financial standing of the organization at the annual meeting. The books shall be audited annually at the end of the calendar year (December 31).


Standing Committees

Standing committees shall be as follows:

a.) Financial Committee

b.) Program of Work Committee

c.) Nominating Committee

d.) Other committees as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.

Section 1: Financial Committee  The Financial Committee shall consist of the Association Executive Committee officers; representative of the MEHC/TC; the representative(s) of the 4-H Leaders Associations; and the County Extension Educators. The purpose of this committee is to prepare the County Extension Association budget and to make the presentation to the County Commissioners on approval of the executive committee. The Financial Committee shall administer the budget and is authorized to recommend budget adjustments to the Executive Committee for its action.

Section 2: Program of Work Committee – The Vice-president shall act as chairperson. Members are elected or appointed by the Executive Committee. The purpose of the Program of Work committee is to review regularly the current plan of work, to advise the staff of changes, and to make recommendations to the Executive Committee.

Section 3: Nominating Committee – The President shall appoint this committee. The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to nominate potential members of the Executive Committee for election by the general membership of the Association at its annual meeting. It also develops a slate of officers to be elected by the Executive Committee at its first meeting following the annual meeting. It is responsible for planning and arranging the location and program of the annual meeting.

Section 4: Other committees as necessary. The President shall appoint members as necessary.



All members of the executive committee shall serve without remuneration but may be reimbursed for necessary travel and hotel expenses. The amount of reimbursement shall be determined by the Executive Committee.



Section 1: Annual Meeting  The annual meeting of the County Extension Association shall be held upon a date decided by the executive committee. Special meetings may be called by the President and shall be called by this person at the written request of fifty participants of the Association.

Section 2: Regular Meetings – The Executive Committee shall hold at least 9 regular meetings, except July, August, and December, at’ a time and place agreed upon by the committee. Members shall be notified by the President at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting. Special meetings may be called by the president and shall be called by this person when so requested by four members of the Executive Committee.



Section 1: The participants present at a regular or special meeting of the Association shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business when the members have been duly notified.

Section 2: The majority of the present Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Order of Business Robert’s Rules of Order shall be parliamentary authority for conducting all business sessions. The following order of business is suggested:

a.) Roll Call

b.) Reading Minutes

c.) Reports of the Secretary and Treasurer

d.) Reports of committees

e.) Unfinished Business

f.) New Business

g.) Adjournment



The By-Laws of the Androscoggin-Sagadahoc Counties Extension Association may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the participants present at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called at the written request of fifty participants of the Association. Notice in writing of the proposed changes must be given to all participants of the Association at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.