Barrons Hill Apartments (Garden)

34 Wing Parkway
Bath, ME 04530

Contact: Lynne Holland at or call 207.353.5550 (please contact Lynne first) or Jennifer Nisbet at or call 207.446.6506

Date: May 2018 and beyond

The residents of Barrons Hill Apartments, at a meeting last week, discussed the possibility of creating a community garden, vegetable gardening, container gardening, flower gardening and just would like to learn more about gardening and thought, having a speaker come to answer questions, offer ideas and guidance, would be enjoyable. The audience is adults of all ages.

General gardening information mentioned above; learn about some easy-to-grow plants, simple techniques, how to care for them, how to have blooms from Spring to Fall, community garden, how/where to plant. Any information provided will be beneficial. Also, at a later date show participants how to possibly preserve, cook with any of the vegetables grown.