Highland Green Community Garden

1 Red Maple Lane
Topsham ME 04086

Contact: Barbara Coombs at becombs@comcast.net or 218.779. 6687 or Michelle Borodinsky at borodinsky7849@comcast.net or 207.373.0370

There are four 4’ X 10’ raised beds on site, and the residents of Highland Green who are interested in learning about and participating in gardening in raised beds will have the opportunity to join the HG Community Garden Group for the 2107 growing year. Second, as the produce becomes available, it will be advertised to community members who will be asked for donations in return. To promote harvesting by community members, we will post healthy recipes for use of the produce as it becomes ready to harvest.

The major portion of the season’s donations will be given to a local food bank or hunger prevention program. Some money will be reserved for use keeping the garden going (plant materials and structures). In addition, produce that is not readily taken by community members will be gleaned and taken to a local food bank such as MCHPP. Michelle and Barbara, will oversee this project. MGVs are needed to plant, water, weed, harvest, deliver to the food bank, and put the garden to bed at the end of the season. Please contact Barbara Coombs at becombs@comcast.net or 218.779. 6687 or Michelle Borodinsky at borodinsky7849@comcast.net or 207.373.0370, directly, if you’re interested in this project.